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Fashion Police: Flint Cracks Down on Sagging


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Welcome to Communist America. where freedom is fast becoming an illusion. All the time they pass more and more laws taking freedom away and controlling Americans like little children. Why stop at telling Americans how they can dress, I cant wait until the government tells me what time I have to go to bed, when and what I am allowed to eat, and who I am allowed to marry, Is'nt this great everyone! Don't you just love the government controlling parts of our lives that have nothing to do with them! I dont smoke, but did you know it's now illegal in ohio in public places. wow good looking out goverment!, please take some more freedoms away from us, were not smart enough to make decisions on our own, we need the goverment to make all our decisions for us, and please charge us lots and lots of fines and throw us in jail if we dont dress properly or do something else wrong, and hey, please take 40% of my packcheck everymonth, and 7% of whats left of my money when I spend it, and then please take another % of my property's worth every 6 months (that I am already paying a mortgage on!) , you need the money more than I do government! I'm only paying $4 a gallon for gas everyday and feeding 2 kids and a wife, i'm sure glad your taxing the hell out of me, and controling my life, good looking out! (assholes!)

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So, tonight the wife, Zerocrash, Sprocket and I went to the Franklin County fair in Hilliard. Its what you'd expect. We watched the truck/tractor pulls. Had a great time. Ate this fucking turkey leg that was almost as big as my leg. Anyways, on the way out there was this group of kids that had been stopped by the sheriffs. They were all ghetto'd out, wearing wife beaters and their jeans around their knees. I laughed, and thought of this thread.

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So, tonight the wife, Zerocrash, Sprocket and I went to the Franklin County fair in Hilliard. Its what you'd expect. We watched the truck/tractor pulls. Had a great time. Ate this fucking turkey leg that was almost as big as my leg. Anyways, on the way out there was this group of kids that had been stopped by the sheriffs. They were all ghetto'd out, wearing wife beaters and their jeans around their knees. I laughed, and thought of this thread.

Hahaha yep me too! Wonder if it all started because they were "saggin"??

And I still can't get over the size of that damn turkey leg! We should have got a picture of CBRGirl carrying the remains through the stands! :D

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IMO this law is the same as the smoking ban. I don't smoke, but I don't want the gov't telling me that I can't smoke (inside or not - it doesn't matter). it's only getting worse and this is just another extension of the power in the gov't and not the people

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Gawd, I thought sagging was done in the 90's after the Kriss Kross fad?

I still see lowlifes sporting it. Doucheness at it's finest.

I'm glad for the law and I hope it spreads.

Yeah, its kind of equivalent to sporting a tail or sweet mullet, but I agree that its not the gubments place to tell us what to wear, where to smoke, not to smoke, what to smoke, how to live etc. Big Brother comin' at cha, look busy.

That being said, a law against men wearing flip-flops gets my full support.

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