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Anyone else see "The Dark Knight"


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I figured it wouldn't be that bad...but it was a terrible movie. thankfully all the music from ABBA kept me awake :rolleyes: I tried to convince her to give me a handjob or something to make the movie better, but that received 2 thumbs down
lol.gif Was that before or after you unzipped your pants & showed her the goods?!?

Just got back from taking my boys. Heath DEFINITELY stole the show & sold out to the part!!! But then....How can the Joker not, with that personality?!? I found myself sitting there, trying to remember back almost 20 years ago (YEAH icon_eek.gif ....Can you believe it's been that long ago already....Where's my life disappearin' to?!?) to when everyone was raving about Jack Nicholson in the first one. Different types of performances I believe.....the first one was more cartoony/campy to me, especially the sequels that followed, kinda like the TV show used to be....just without all the subtitles. Batman was kinda dark, but I always remember the rest of it bein' really colorful/bright. Guess I'll have to go back & re-watch......But I thought Heath's performance was amazing!! That interrogation scene was off the hook....He truly shows you both sides of the coin.....Genius & insanity! Same thing with the hospital scene! And the whole movie was less comic & more realistic. I really like this new interpretation!

Not your typical superhero movie....They don't spoonfeed you. Very complex plot with multiple story lines....Always kept you guessing what was coming next, and several times where I thought it was over, but then a whole 'nother section of story would unfold.

Who I was disappointed with in casting, was Maggie Gyllenhaal. I just don't think she's very pretty at all, yet here she's playing the lead love interest of 2 of the main characters. I surely think they could've found someone more attractive for that role!

And unlike someone else above, I was glad they gave it the extra half hour so the story could unfold naturally without feeling rushed. Never looked at my watch once! icon_wink.gif

Stayed 'til the credits were over, and was disappointed to find no tribute for Heath! Thought for sure at the very end there'd be "This movie dedicated to the memory of Heath Ledger" :confused: WTF?!?

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I havent seen it yet but i do go in with a slight case of apprehension. As I know the Joker to be a very clean cut and methodical mad man he also has a bit disarray on how he would do things, but his appearance never wavered in the comics. Now i see ledger with his hair all messed up and the makeup all done off kilter which is VERY non Joker like, Joker took pride in his madness and being a clown and laughing about his destruction. The comic Joker would never look like he just rolled out of bed.

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he overdosed on drugs. not the kind of person i would really want to idolize. interesting performance though.

I agree with what you're sayin' Ben, but I don't think something simple like this....."This movie is dedicated to the memory of Heath Ledger" is "idolizing" him. It's more a simple tribute to acknowledge his work on the film.....and his loss

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I went to see this movie over the weekend, when I was in L.A., and as we were leaving we started talking to a few guys that turned out to be executive producers on the film. My cousin and I thought that too many things were thrown into your face at the same time and it got a bit preachy after awhile as well. Heath Ledger was worth the price of admission and it's ashame that he couldn't handle life that well.

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Also....Forgot to add above that the cityscape scenes from the skyscrapers were visually STUNNING!! I can only imagine how good those looked in IMAX!!

And.....Who else thought the "magic trick" was funny?!? :D

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it def was great. gotta admit it's the first time i've been in a packed theater and the whole place would react simultaneously the same way. it was quite fun. the magic trick was hilarious!

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Just saw on "The Insider" that Dark Knight has reached $200 million faster than any movie in history......Just 5 days!!! :eek:

They said it's already made more in 5 days than "Batman Begins" made it's entire run!

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