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Another one in the family


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My youngest(7) Xander finally got his bike and took it out for his first day. I didn't get many pics since I was busy yelling "Eyes up!" and "Go faster!" He had a great time and his big brother made his day by spending the day playing follow the leader and running around the peewee track with him.




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nice bike! my pops bought me a suzuki 50cc bike when i was six, but mom made us sell it after my little brother (was five!) wrecked on it.

then he bought me a racing gocart with an 80cc motor when i was nine:badgerrock:

...but she made us sell that too :(

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nice bike! my pops bought me a suzuki 50cc bike when i was six, but mom made us sell it after my little brother (was five!) wrecked on it.

then he bought me a racing gocart with an 80cc motor when i was nine:badgerrock:

...but she made us sell that too :(

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Cool Fusion! Man i really wish i could have gotten into bikes that young!
damn i wish my dad was cool...
awsome!!! I can't wait til I have kids, they are going to be complete motor heads!!! And great picks as well always.
thats awesome!!, my dad bought me a quad when I was young too! (I think 5 or something :)) I bought my daughter a little quad for her forth birthday last month, kids love this stuff!
....thats awesome!!! I wish i had the chance at that age!!!! he should be the next RC or Jeremy M. !!!!!!!!!

...what track was that at???? they got a intermediate/b track?

I always said I would give the boys all the opportunities to do stuff I never got to do as when I was younger even if I go broke doing it. :) If there was a place close by for it the oldest would have an NSR 50 too.

That track is New Vienna Motorsports. They've got several other tracks also. It only takes us 40 mins or so to get there and it's great for the kids.

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