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Time Warner Internet service


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I have since switched from WOW to Time Warner becuase I moved and they dont offer WOW here, and what can I say about Time Warner's service....IT FUCKING SUX!!


I have been with cable internet since eons ago, and NEVER had this much problems. I am a serious gamer and play online and for some reason 7:30pm to about 10:30 pm my pings go from 30's on most chicago servers to 150+ durring this time, and when I try to talk to the tech dept and do tracerts from dos I dont get any * so they wont let me go to a teer 3 tech.


For some reason this is driving me insane becuase I cant play with these pings...can someone help??




Daniel Weaver

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Guest Evl Mdgt



Our cable is so messed up. I turned the tv on to watch the simpsons earlier and the picture was all messed up. I thought maybe it was the channel so I changed it. Ended up flipping through every channel i have and they are all messed up. I thought i might of been our tv... so I got pissed because our tv isnt even a year old yet. I put in a dvd and the picture was perfect. What it is doing is its like someone has turned the resolution down to where the picture is almost black... the only things you can make out are the people's heads and a little bit of their bodies... a friend of mine who also has this shitty service is also having the same problem...




That is all...

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Yeah I have the same exact problem with my time warner. I called them half a dozen times and they wont do shit about latency issues. what pisses me off is I show them my tracerts and tell them hey your fucking router has issues because thats where my ping times jump way up.
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Does time warner offer a site to site SLA or atleast a traversal SLA? This would mean you can cross their network in 30ms with 50ms at peak or something like that?


I have had loads of problems with my RR, I finally had my neighbor call about them because he has business class and they have an SLA with Business class. You can sign up for Teleworker and that is considered business class.

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I am looking forward to droping Time Warners RR. I got RR when I moved to columbus a few years back and it was really great compaired to dial-up. Then I moved back to Johnstown, and it is really slow out there. Now I am moving again and will be switching to WOW.
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