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Xbox 360, oops!


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So I accidently bought a 360 on eBay. I bid a low price that I wasn't expecting to win with. But low and behold, I won it. Its a sams club package so its a premium with a bunch of extras and I only paided 50 over retail. So all my previous Xbox 360 bashing aside, when I get it I am going to take it for a test drive on Shawnee States 61" plasma screen and let you know what the CRs resident game engineer thinks, and we'll see if I will still stand behind my original statements (which I think I will).


On a similar note, has anyone ever heard of, I don't know what people that use it call it but I'll call it "submersive cooling" because it sounds really cool (no pun intended) . Its where you take all the non-moving parts of a computer and submerse them completely in oil (from what I've found any oil will work, and most use vegi oil but its organic and molds). This works because the oil is a lipid and therefore is non-conductive. Its supposed to protect from corrosion, and does an amazing job at cooling. I'm starting my project tomorrow (this is where the similarity comes in, just incase you were wondering), I will be doing this with an Xbox (not 360... yet). I'm going to make a new case out of .220 plexyglass, and will be using mineral oil. This is just to test out the methods, I will hopfully do the same with my computer. I,ve been having problems cooling my PVM on my mobo (it doesn't like running over 4GHz) and I think this is just the thing to fix my problem. I'm also going to use pump and radiator to cool the oil. I'm excited, as far as I could tell I will be the first to do this with a Xbox, seeing as there are few who even do it with their computers.

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Guest fixerupper
I've actually done the submersive cooling. It was for my Tech Prep Capstone project last year. Just to let you know it does work. I used a refrigeration coolant, and just a plastic tub to contain the whole computer. If the liquid is in a large quantity it takes a decent amount of use to heat it up. All in all it's a good way to cool, but it still has it's kinks. Things like keeping the fluid clean, and if you're using a small amount then how you'll circulate it. I'd definitely say go for it. I didn't have enough time to get my actual custom case together, but the project shouldn't be that hard.
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Ok! so i got my 360 today, and I am not as disappointed as I thought I was going to be, I just cant help but think how much better it would have been had they waited and not have rushed it. But I really like being able to connect my ipod to it, and im glad that live is now free. All we need now is some games worth playing.


and as far as my oil xbox, yeah someone failed to tell me that new xbox parts cannot be put in old xbox cases. I will tell you how it all works out when i get around to getting new xbox.

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