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Not a travel agent by any means, but I'd thought to throw out a coupla questions to think about...


Do you have a budget in mind? Or a budget period?

Are there any locations you guys absolutely want to visit?

Beach bums?

City folk - sight see & shop kinda thing?

Outdoorsy stuff?

All about the nightlife?

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thanks for replying


Our budget consists of about 3K bux so alot can be done with this . I was kinda looking at paris or switserland. We talked about trying to find some castles to walk threw.

Neither of us are big beach bums but if its there we'd do it, Norman sight seeing shopping is always a good thing, She loves out door stuff so thats a plus too, and neither of us are big drinkers

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My parents visited Switzerland 2 yrs ago & they loved it. They stayed mainly in Geneva though they did venture out to a few of the smaller towns outside of Geneva. Said the people were fabulous & the scenery was out of this world. I'll have to check with them on where they stayed and such.


If you guys are really big into castles & such, you may also want to think about Germany as well. Go up along the Rhine & visit the castles that dot both sides.

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