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Man Forced To Pay Child Support To Biological Father Of His Wife’s Child


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Man Forced To Pay Child Support To Biological Father Of His Wife’s Child

Published with permission of the victim


My name is Douglas M Richardson from Essexville, Michigan, and I am yet another victim of paternity fraud . However, my story has a bit of a twist, an eye-opening twist.

Over fifteen years ago, while going through a divorce, it was brought to my attention by the eldest of two children that his mother had informed him I am not his father. This was about 1 1/2 years into the divorce proceedings. The child at that time was almost 6 years old and living with his mother and her prior boyfriend, whom I had no knowledge of during the marriage. The boy also informed me that his mother had told him the prior boyfriend, and now her live-in lover, was in fact his father.

That revelation began my fight for genetic testing. Throughout the divorce proceedings my ex-wife, in open court, and after being asked by the judge if there was any credibility to my claims, stated on the record she was sure this was my child. Her attorney claimed it was my motivation to disregard the child support that I had voluntarily agreed to pay prior to the divorce being filed. After several attempts and motions the judge agreed to require genetic testing, but the results could not be used in court as evidence and were for medical reasons only.

When my ex-wife found the tests were going to be completed, through her attorney she went to the friend of the court and openly admitted the oldest child was not mine. Through the friend of the court she proposed an agreement that there would be no support or visitation with his or my child. The child in question was then living with his biological father and was well aware of the situation. Her attorney drew up the agreement and even though there were two children of the marriage, one of whom was mine, my attorney told me to go along with this and we could file a motion later to seek visitation for my child.

The judge wanted this agreement brought before the court for signing. However,. at that point he made several capricious changes to the agreement. First, the judge maliciously entered an order to support and carry health care on both children despite the prior agreement. Then he terminated my visitation rights to my child as well. Of course no penalties were imposed on my adulterous ex-wife.

So for the last 15 years, enslaved, I have paid the support for both children while they lived with the father of the first child. Obviously everyone, including the judge, have been fully aware of the fraud since the court entered the order. And, to add insult to injury, her boyfriend (the biological father) sat in the courtroom through the divorce proceedings.

I have since learned that my ex-wife gave a child up for adoption eight months before I met her. The same man was the father of that child as well and wanted nothing to do with that baby.

In April 2001 I received a letter from the friend of the court stating the mother had moved out of the house leaving the children behind, basically abandoning them with this man. At that point the court granted him custody of not only his child but my child as well. The judge also issued an order directing that all payments I make go directly to the biological father of my ex-wife’s child. Not only was I paying this man to raise his own child, but my child as well. Further, I was never notified until after this occurred and the court order entered.

When the mother moved out of her boyfriend’s home in 2001 she was also ordered to pay the father child support. Thus, her boyfriend was receiving child support from two separate people to raise his own child.

The child is now 20-years old and doesn’t even live with his father. But the courts say I have an arrearage of $6,700 that has accumulated over the last 15 years. To date this case, between the support and health care, has cost me well over $150,000.

In 2005 my child moved back in with my ex-wife and on September 19th the court issued an order for me to pay her child support for our child. However, I was not notified of the custody change or the court order until I received a letter dated January 20, 2006, from the friend of the court, Elizabeth Roszatycki.

As this case stands today, I pay the father, my ex-wife’s boyfriend, child support on an arrearage for a child that isn’t mine and a child that no longer lives with him. I also pay the mother child support for the second child.

Some ask why I have just paid the support? The answer, though unjust, is quite easy. When the divorce proceeding were over my attorney told me there was nothing I could do, just live with it.

Even though the second child is mine I have tape recorded phone conversations from 1990 of the mother stating that I will never be allowed to have anything to do with either of these children. She stated then that she would simply erase me out of the picture so her, the children, and her boyfriend can go on with their lives as a family. And she did just that with the full support of the courts all the way.

I felt compared to share this injustice with you and can provide documentation on request.

Douglas M Richardson

709 McDonnell

Essexville, Michigan 48732

(989) 893-4717


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i call bull shit


i dont care if its printed on the webpage that is linked also.




i know child support is fucked up sometimes, but i have also seen the other side of it where the man doesnt pay and the loops he can jump through to stay out of jail and still continue to not pay. its so fuck up...if i were that man i would have just signed my rights over to the child and never paid a dime.

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i call bull shit


i dont care if its printed on the webpage that is linked also.




i know child support is fucked up sometimes, but i have also seen the other side of it where the man doesnt pay and the loops he can jump through to stay out of jail and still continue to not pay. its so fuck up...if i were that man i would have just signed my rights over to the child and never paid a dime.

although I've seen ALLOT of men get screwed from child support, I've seen your side also... my g-f's daughter's father hasn't paid a dime for child support in over 2 years because it is "stuck" in court deciding on what he should pay since he got into a job making a lot more money than was originally agreed upon when they first split up. I'll tell you, the courts allot of the time have things waaaaay backwards.

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i call bull shit


i dont care if its printed on the webpage that is linked also.




i know child support is fucked up sometimes, but i have also seen the other side of it where the man doesnt pay and the loops he can jump through to stay out of jail and still continue to not pay. its so fuck up...if i were that man i would have just signed my rights over to the child and never paid a dime.


Delaware county told me, even if i sign over my right's i still have to pay support and insurance.

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although I've seen ALLOT of men get screwed from child support, I've seen your side also... my g-f's daughter's father hasn't paid a dime for child support in over 2 years because it is "stuck" in court deciding on what he should pay since he got into a job making a lot more money than was originally agreed upon when they first split up. I'll tell you, the courts allot of the time have things waaaaay backwards.


im in the exact situation...rediculous!!!


360IROC, nope its true ... its not a surprise, I read this kinda stuff all day long researching family law (going to law school afterall) .. check public records ... its true dude, its really that messed up!


i believe you, my brother is a lawyer for the attorny generals office. the shit he tells me about is amazing. good luck in your school. if you need any info i can hook you up with my bro.


im sure it is true its just one of those things thats hard to believe.

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^^^ yeah i know, the first couple hundred of articles were hard to believe .. but one thing ive noticed is that with angry fathers sometimes things are sometimes left out to increase sympathy but nonetheless the laws speak for themselves ... if you do not benefit from the laws you will most likely oppose them BUT if you benefit from the laws, you will want them.


Ive said this for years, there is one law that needs to be enacted across the board and that LAW should be that whatever law/article/decree/etc that is passed by any legislation in this country, it should HAVE to apply to EVERYONE ... no more laws based on race, no laws based on sex, if one person can have it, everyone can have it ... fair is fair.

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wow...thats why the U.S. justice system is full of mothafuckin shit.


when Anna Nicole is fighting for 88 million, and this poor dude is stuck getting shafted in the ass by this [see you en tee, for all the ladies that are sensitive] you know something is wrong

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I wrote him and he responded:::::::




Thanks for your support. Its a funny thing I just on june 16th quit a job of 17 years to bring this injustice to a close for me and many other victims. I have been working on this for 7 months hard none stop,MEDIA MEDIA is the key. You will be hearing a lot about this case in the near future. I have had interviews with oprah winfreys editors and montell williams.


The case is submitted with Kenneth L Marcus the staff director of the united states commision on civil rights.


Mr Douglas M Richardson

709 McDonnell

Essexville Mi 48732


Hm 989-893-4717

Wk 800-479-8651


dougmrich@yahoo.com http://www.fixthefoc.com



Fighting For Justice



CHRIS GASPER <gasper.7@osu.edu> wrote:



My name is Chris and I read your story. I just wanted to say that I am sorry to hear about what happened. This very issue has inflamed me to the point that I quit my job, sold my car and am back in college ... almost done, 2 more yea! rs, then onto law school where I plan on becoming a very good lawyer and with my new skills join the fight ...


ITs a long haul ..


I wanted to just say hi and introduce myself. I read your article on http://ancpr.com/blog/archives/210 .


If you have anything on this subject you would like to send me PLEASE do, I am constantly reading and learning about this topic.




Chris Gasper

22 yr old Sophmore

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I think the child support system and the court system that enforces this matter is flawed in general. Let's say for instance you are a woman and your ex that you had kids with is a total douchebag. He doesn't abide by his divorce papers and he doesn't take care of his kids when in his care. I think it should be simple you are assigned a judge or something and when this happens you call that judge and action is taken. I know for a fact that if you don't follow divorce papers that are legally binding that you are in contempt of court, so why should the mother need to pay $$$$ for a lawyer again when she can just show records of non payment and put his ass in jail?


I'll never understand the system, and I'll never understand why no attempt is made to fix it either.

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what groups do you hear about? womens rights, black rights and thats about it ... everyone else is left unrepresented and suffers ... what goes for you should go for me, period. anything less or other is illegal.


Welcome to modern day abuse of the 14th amendment.

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