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My nightmare comes true


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You'd go to jail in a heartbeat just like my old neighbor did in Dublin. Dude came home to see his apartment getting robbed so he went back to his car and grabbed his shotgun. The thief saw him walk in and tried running out the door but dude blasted him.. he died that night in the hospital. Dude's in jail now.. Pretty fucked up world if you ask me.


I'm glad I heard a different story on that. The one I heard before was that he had the gun in the house, started to walk down the stairs with it, the guy had a visible gun, and the guy shoot him. What I just described is perfectly legal, and he shouldn't have gone to jail for it. That guy was trying to flee from the situation and while unfortunately he probably wouldn't have gotten caught, that guy had absoutely no right to take his life. The guy who shoot him and went to jail had no reason to use deadly force. This is a text book perfect example of the laws working in my opinion.


I'm sorry, the justice system is fucked up sometimes. But the simple rule is you can't protect property with deadly force, with physical force yes. You need to be protecting your life, or someone else’s life to use deadly force. Seems like a pretty fair assessment. Why did the guy feel the need to go out to his car and get a gun? Sounded like he wanted to shoot the guy, not 'needed' to. Think about what it would really take for any of you to take another persons life (not just you Brian, anyone on here), regardless of who they are. Not your macho bullshit answer on here, what you really think. I'm sorry but nothing in my apartment, or my car is worth putting a bullet in someone. No questions asked I would to protect another innocent person, I might think to long and get hurt if it were to protect myself though.


Rick, I don't know if you are serious or on one of your internet rants trying to freak out someone/piss them off. You have to understand and think about what can be considered deadly force. If you go out with a baseball bat, hit the guy in the side of the head as hard as you can, and he drops dead. Your probably going to jail because you used that baseball bat as a deadly weapon. And once again, you cannot use deadly force to protect property. I'd just hate to see you go to jail over protecting something as petty as a car.


Please don't respond to me if you don't know how the laws work (at least in this state).

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yes jesse you are right but if he uses said bat to break both of his legs so he can't flee and has to suffer for what he did then he is all good


100% correct.


That and have the gun on you but not visible incase they do something that can be construed as threatening you or someone else’s life.

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those aren't any harder than a standerd lock to pop out of the door


Maybe if they pulled the cylinder out and pulled up on the lock lever. B/C the cylinder just spins you can't pop it and spin it and unlock the door. You'd have to pull it all the way out, then pull up on the lock lever.

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how about if the guy would have just shot him in the leg or arm? i would feel, that if someone stole from me, i would hurt them for not working hard for their own property, and then id take theirs for tryign to take mine. i wouold try to think in the other guy's shoes.....just because the guy was runnign away, doesnt mean he didnt have a gun, and couldnt have come back, or couldnt have fired while runnign away. if you run from the cops, arent they allowed to shoot at you, after they tell you to stop? i dont see why it makes a difference why some peopel have authority in a similar situation, but others wouldnt.

if your life was spent working as hard as you could to get where you are and what you have, and someone takes away what you worked for, that seems to make your life worthless.

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