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My good deed for the day: Payback to those crappy drivers!


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I was walking home today and as I approached my house, I saw an older Jeep (white) trying to park in a space not much bigger than it. The jeep continually rammed the two cars. One car's bumper is now hanging and the other has a busted tail light ... I watched him do it, I stood there and as he got out, I yelled at him, "Hey you f-cked up those cars, arent you going to leave a note?"


He turned at me and said "Why the hell should I?" then walked off despite what I was yelling at him.


I luckily had my trusty camera/video phone on me, I took vid of the incident and then left messages on both cars. If they email me, Ill give them a copy of the video for them and hopefully they will press charges against this A-hole.


We all have had ppl hit our cars, ding our doors, scratch our paint.


COnsider this +1 for the good guys! Payback!

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