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How many points for a Reckless Op?

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The way it was explained to me was there are actually two levels of reckless op. One being 4 points, the other being 6. I'm not sure what you have to do to earn either of those. I did, however, get my racing ticket knocked down to a 4 point reckless op. Blah... :(
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12 pts when they take your license in Ohio .... yo can take a class to get your official suspension or whatever knocked up to 14 pts ... but there is no class offered past your first offense to take points off your license.


6 pts is a reckless ops, DUI, and I think OMVI is 6 pts now.


And there is a type of like Jr. Reckless ops. you can get that is 4 pts ... but it's more like reckless endangerment??


Double the speed limit is a automatic reckless ops, anything that is destruction to property is reckless ops and you can get a reckless ops if at any point you cause harm to another person (passenger in the car.)


speeding is 2 pts per ticket until you go 20 mph over and then you're eligible for a Reckless ops ticket to, though most the time they won't press that issue in Franklin/Fairfield county.


... and for the record ... my knowledge of this is directly related as to why I can't work in the automotive field. I've been (regretfully) in a lot of stupid shit.

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Fuck sake. Kick the ass 6ft askew and I'll be paying for it for 3 to 5. Some one jumbs 5 lanes to cross the white lines and make an exit and they get the cheap insurance.

What are the chances of talking it down? I'll have to drive all the way to bloody Mentor.


what exactly happened if you dont mind telling???

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Fuck sake. Kick the ass 6ft askew and I'll be paying for it for 3 to 5. Some one jumbs 5 lanes to cross the white lines and make an exit and they get the cheap insurance.

What are the chances of talking it down? I'll have to drive all the way to bloody Mentor.

This made me laugh.

Chances of talking it down are completely up to the prosecutor. Talk to him, be polite at first, if he is going to be a dick let your lawyer talk to him.

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Yeah there is a bunch of rumors floating around as to how long they stay on your license and on your record. Me personally, I have my only accident which will be coming off this year (3 years later) but I also have a speeding ticket I got back 2 years ago which won't be coming off for another year, as the BMV guy told me.


So I'm to assume that all points in Ohio stay on for 3 years. THe only exception to this that I know of is what they cal lyour 'juvenille record' which is points before you're 18. My record when I turned 18 was wiped cleaned because I was then considered an 'adult' (jokes on them. I had many more years of reckless driving ahead of me ...)


NOW as far as my insurance goes ... I'm fucked, they won't even give me dates, I pay almost $130 a month for liability on my 93 Toyota Celica. Cool part is for insurance on the monte carlo for full coverage is only $35 a month. (I only have liability on it though as it's only $23 a month and the car doesn't even have a dash right now.)


For those that don't know, an insurance company (as I understand it) can only punish you on you primary car, any other cars you insure they have to price you as if you're a 25 year old adult with no violations. Now your primary car is, of course, your newest, most expensive car.


I've also heard rumors about people have taken classes and gotten up to 6+ points knocked off their licene and the BMV offers the class and yadda yadda yadda. Go ahead, cal lthe BMV they don't offer a class like that, nor have they ever, and they don't know what you're talking about. The only thing to resemble anything like this, is your 'first incident erase class' where you can have the points erased from your first incident, but it's like a 9 hour class, in the middle of the week, for three days straight. (Jim will be your instructor and he's pretty funny, and has some great stories.)


Think that covers most everything ...

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Oh yeah and for fucksake, don't ever roll-over and say 'okay I was wrong' about traffic tickets. I'd say 95% of them that you'll just talk to the prosecutor about and mention you'll plead guilty, pay max fine, but you don't want the points. Will swing that way, they don't care if you have the points I don't think. I'm pretty sure all they want is the tally mark for guilty pleas on their record.


So much better to pay max fine now for something then to pay insurance for the next 2,3,5 years... IMO

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Yeah there is a bunch of rumors floating around as to how long they stay on your license and on your record.



not rumor fact


state looks/holds the points for 2 years

insurance charges for 3 years and will show up on your MVR (motor vehicle record ) for 5.

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not rumor fact


state looks/holds the points for 2 years

insurance charges for 3 years and will show up on your MVR (motor vehicle record ) for 5.


SO this year my accident should drop off my record with the state, and insurance, but if I go get a copy of my MVR from the BMV, it willl still show it on there. Correct?

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Im 21 and my previous record (before 18) has never been wiped clean, i still have all the charges including reckless op, which i got when i was 17.


I had two speeding tickets one when I was 16 and one when I was 17. I was up against a reckless ops when I was 18. And I was worried about losing my license, because of my previous history. When we checked my record, I had 0 offenses.


My Attorney at the time (I can't remember his name) told me that it's because they were minor violations and was before I was 18, at 18 you're consider an adult and your juvenille record is erased of all minor offenses.


I would guess the reckless, is a higher offense (obviously 6 pts and all) but like my accident was never erased, that was 3 years ago (when I was 17). But the speeding tickets just kind of disappeared. So I just took his word on it.

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Im 21 and my previous record (before 18) has never been wiped clean, i still have all the charges including reckless op, which i got when i was 17.


you shouldn't be charged for them unless its considered a major violation if so its 60 months


here are the requirements for a standard company in Ohio


At-Fault Accidents (AF)(0 - 35 months) No more than 1


Minor Violations (MV)(0 - 35 months) No more than 2


Combination of Accidents& Violations(0 – 35 months) No more than 1 AF and 1 MV


Not-At-Fault Accidents (NAF) (0-35 months) No more than 3 if no MV or AFNo more than 2 if any at fault accidents or minor violations


Driving Experience Any owner or principal operator with less than 3 years driving experience must have a rated parent or spouse in the household with three years driving experience.


Prior Insurance Proof of continuous coverage for at least 6 months required. (Continuous coverage is defined as no lapse in coverage)


Comprehensive and Unattended Collision Losses (applies at policy level)*Does not include T&L(0-35 months) No more than 2 per policy (Comprehensive and unattended collision losses will only be considered when the total claim payment is equal to or greater than $400)




· All accident/violation limitations apply on a per driver basis unless otherwise noted as a policy level criteria.

· Drivers within the same household may not be split between Nationwide Nonstandard and Nationwide Mutual/Mutual Fire.

· Prospects who do not qualify may qualify to be written in Nationwide Nonstandard.

· All accidents will be considered At-Fault (AF) unless validation in the form of a police report or letter from the prior carrier validates the accident is Not-At-Fault (NAF).

· Not-at-fault accidents with an uninsured motorist will not be counted as a not-at-fault occurrence.

· Multiple comprehensive losses as a result of a single storm will be considered as one occurrence.

· Customers transferring from Nationwide Nonstandard must show proof of continuous coverage for at least the previous one year (with no claims or lapses in coverage).

· If any driver in the household requires an SR22 filing, the policy will not be eligible for the Nationwide Mutual/Mutual Fire Company.

· If any driver in the household has an unverifiable driving record, the policy will not be eligible for the Nationwide Mutual/Mutual Fire Company.

· This company placement chart will be used in combination with the insurability guidelines for eligibility determination.




hopely this will answer everyones questions If not let know


Major Violations(0 – 60 months) Major Violations(0 – 60 months)

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Can a mod sticky this? The same questions have come up on here for over 4 years. These are the best answers yet. Thanks for the details guys.

I had a reckless ops 2 years ago. They let it go for no points and either no fine or $100, I can't remember. Although I had a friend at the court house pull my, 3 page, record and the reckless ops shows 2 points.

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