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This is wierd. Need opinions


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For some reason, there is one of my wowway accounts that I haven't been checking my email in a while. Tonight, I setup my email for that account and find some interesting stuff.


This one account (sbucklad@wowway.com), my main email account, has registered for some wayne county brewery club. I have never heard of this. It's some type of forum for brewing your own beer.


Here's the really messed up part. The user name that was registered with this account was ScottB. That was shocking enough. My brother's name is Scott Bucklad. However, he passed away back in '91 when I was 14/15 years old.


This account was created back on November 29th of 2005.


I PM'd the site admin to find out if he could give me an IP address of the original person who signed up with the account.


Coincidence? Maybe. But it just freaked me out thinking somehow.. just somewhere, my brother was giving me some type of sign or what not. If the forum was somewhere in Africa or some crap, I dunno. But having it be in Ohio, and in Wayne county (which is in Mansfield I think?) is making me wonder.



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Well, I did some more searching. It's actually Scott Buklad. However, I'm wondering how he could have fat fingered the email? sbuklad@wowway.com could be possible. But, how could he mess up his email address?


I'm going to email sbuklad@wowway.com and see if I get a response.

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