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Safe or not? e-scam material.


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So a few days ago i posted my microsoft joystick and steering wheels an dpedals for sale on craigslist.


Today I got an email from someone that is interested.


Well it turns out that they are in Maryland, but I talked to him on the phone already. I said i could ship it out but after tomorrow since i'm done with finals. So he asked me If i was in college, (duh) and what i did. and that was it. But in the back of my mind i'm thinking wtf mate.


He talked about Cash on delivery...I've never used this but is this relatively safe?



My main concern is when i emailed this guy back my first and last name are on my email and he has my cell phone number and i'm sure he could get my address if he really wanted. Should I be worried about Identity theft? I just don't trust this guy I am thinking about emailing or calling him back saying that I would prefer a local sale.


just seeing what you guys thought. I think i'm safe. name and address and telephone number isn't enough for identity theft you need more like ssn and account number right?

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