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Myspace Wtf?


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Never been on there before.. (I had to see what all the fuss is about) I put in 20 miles from my zip and this chick was the first to pop up..




Her quote is: "Who wants to have fun with a sexy girl?"



18 years old


United States



Dude.. I'm in awe!! Wow.. Must resist....... I'm going in for a closer look!!


It get's better.. her orentation... BI!

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I do have a basic account, so I can check out music.


There are some with stupid, personalized graphics, that could bog down a Google server like it was 56k. And half of those custom pages have red text, with some crazy mixed color background, so you can't even read half the shit they write...and I so want to read their witty blog:gay:


Simply put: It's mostly for people who need to feel more important/popular than they actually are; just like most Internet forums.







Since you are on there are you one of those people who need to feel more important/ popular.

I am no longer on there and havent been in a while. I was on there when myspace was first started, but then I was like this is gay so I deleted my account. Anyways there is a girl that I talk to that is on there and I am plastered all over her page so its like I got my own page without having one.

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It's not that bad.. I've caught up with a few highschool buddies and out of town people I haven't talked to in years.


I have to agree. I have some basic information about my life on mine, and some memorable pictures up. I have found 2-3 VERY good friends whom i had just lost touch with, and am now talk to on a weekly basis again.


The idea behind it is great, but the actual program has its flaws.

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