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Sam Owes me a pair of boxers


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Guest powers
eat a dick dood.... Sam and Tinman are going to have a little fun this spring and I am talking shit so back off jack!!




i have an idea how about everyone quit bench racing other peoples cars including sams and tinmans and people back up their dick sucks. Any car in this thread is more than welcome to race me dig or roll for 200 bucks a pop to pay for my race gas.


This thread was started about a certain car, it is just gay that people always try to one up when they have nothing of their own to do it with.

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Guest powers
Ok then.....I will take both of them in my 1998 Mitsubishi Galant, from a roll at 60 MPH. I think it would take both of them, all 150hp I got for a family car....




please pm me

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Odds are in favor for this to NOT work, CMH isn't that busy.... :(


Maybe ORD or ATL or something but CMH....


It is possible for you to make a post and (1) not reference how much better some other city is for whatever reason and (2) not bash Columbus in the process?


Fuck, all I read out of you is shit like, "Houston is so much better than Columbus, blah blah blah."

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i have an idea how about everyone quit bench racing other peoples cars including sams and tinmans and people back up their dick sucks. Any car in this thread is more than welcome to race me dig or roll for 200 bucks a pop to pay for my race gas.


This thread was started about a certain car, it is just gay that people always try to one up when they have nothing of their own to do it with.


he has a 12sect@lon ;)

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Neither one of those cars pose a threat. As I stated people should quit riding each others jocks it is gay.


Are you kidding me? You are harping on other people for being 'sack riders'?? You might be <and I’m being dead serious here> the biggest sack rider EVER to grace CR with his presence.


All I ever read from you is about how you are Tillys, Sams and Linns fucking bookie. You are constantly trying to set up races for them, never actually running your car. To be honest Greg, I can't remember the last time I saw you out driving your car. I understand it's been down for awhile undergoing a turbo build up, which is fine, yet you're still on here talking shit. I also seem to remember a certain thread involving a Bullitt Mustang from up North where you said something to the extent of "You guys have no idea who you are dealing with here. He might have the fastest car ever!!1!1" (I paraphrased...not Greg's actual words).


Just relax a little, mind your own fucking business that relates to you and your car, and lay off of everyone else. Please. I think we're all tired of reading your douche bag posts.





*Greg, before you get pissed, take what I said with a grain of salt. Afterall, it's only the internet.

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Greg does all my setting up of races since he seems to know alittle more about cars and what should run what, time wise. Also he seems to have a way with words that seems to get everyone to race. So Greg has made me money racing so he can be my bookie all day long....
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Guest powers

Marc please link me to a post where I am bench racing someone else's car. Please back up your claims. As far as my car I am driving to work all week next week to put miles on it. So like I mentioned 200 to any car int his thread to pay for race gas.


As far as bullitt goes I know exactly who/what he is. His car was stock motor with bolt ons and a drag wheel package. He has since ate 3 rod bearings.


It is ghey to have someone start a thread about one car and then to have someone come out of left field with Tinman will beat you. It is/was ghey and if you support it you are just one more member of the circle jerk.


I am not saying one car is fater than the other or that i don't like this or that. If I have ever set up a race for someone else it was with their permission. So is Matt askign Dan to come and get Sam to race him? I think not. Alex Mealer has asked me to do that so has Sam, Tilley, and Linn, and as I think I said somethign about linn recently and it was a question not bench racing saying this person will beat you.

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Greg does all my setting up of races since he seems to know alittle more about cars and what should run what, time wise. Also he seems to have a way with words that seems to get everyone to race. So Greg has made me money racing so he can be my bookie all day long....


Sorry Sam, just to clarify: I have nothing against Greg. He can shit talk for you and the rest of the guys as much as he likes. I just got tired of the hypocrisy that was spewing from his mouth.


I have no ill will towards the guy, I was just throwing my .02 out. :cool:


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Guest powers
Sorry Sam, just to clarify: I have nothing against Greg. He can shit talk for you and the rest of the guys as much as he likes. I just got tired of the hypocrisy that was spewing from his mouth.


I have no ill will towards the guy, I was just throwing my .02 out. :cool:


So is Matt asking Dan for help or is Dan swinging?

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Marc please link me to a post where I am bench racing someone else's car.


If I get enough time to go look through the endless pages of bullshit in this section I might just do that. :)


Greg, be an adult here. You, aswell as everyone else that reads this board knows that you shit talk with Sam and Tillys and Linns car. You just admitted it. Be it with their permission or not, you are doing the same thing Dan was doing.




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Guest powers
If I get enough time to go look through the endless pages of bullshit in this section I might just do that. :)


Greg, be an adult here. You, aswell as everyone else that reads this board knows that you shit talk with Sam and Tillys and Linns car. You just admitted it. Be it with their permission or not, you are doing the same thing Dan was doing.




No what I said about Linn was that he dig races and if this person was tryign to race Linn was all I said. I asked Dan if he was th leader of the Fan club or if he was just a big fan. If you asked me that about Sam I would say yes I am leader of teh fan club what can I do for you.


If you cannot understand the differences have someone smart explain it to you.

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Guest powers
I just went through my last 200 posts and I can't find anywhere that I bench raced anyone elses car. You would think I would find a few out of my last 200, being that I do it all the time and that we are comming out of winter time.
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No what I said about Linn was that he dig races and if this person was tryign to race Linn was all I said. I asked Dan if he was th leader of the Fan club or if he was just a big fan. If you asked me that about Sam I would say yes I am leader of teh fan club what can I do for you.


If you cannot understand the differences have someone smart explain it to you.


First, please don't ask me to "have someone smart explain it" when you yourself cannot manage to bang out a grammaticly correct paragraph. I'm not trying to be a grammar Nazi, it just bothers me when someone calls me stupid, yet they cannot construct a proper paragraph... :rolleyes:


Next, I understand that you were asked by the guys with fast cars to set them up with races.


I would have to assume that Dan was not asked by Matt to do the same.


My problem is this; in essence you two are doing the same exact thing...talking shit for/with someone else's car. You just seem to think it's gay when he does it because he wasn't asked to do it by the owner.


Honestly, to me it seems gay either way. You are just getting all huffed up because someone is copying off of you without permission.


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Guest powers

Yes Marc you are so smart. So you can't back up your arguement so you retort to well your grammar is bad. You have successfully done another lame thing. I have never been told my posts are hard to read, not once in the how many ever years I have been here. So it seems to me that this was all you could come up with.


And you still haven't figured out the differences between what Dan said and what I have said in the past.

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Yes Marc you are so smart. So you can't back up your arguement so you retort to well your grammar is bad. You have successfully done another lame thing. I have never been told my posts are hard to read, not once in the how many ever years I have been here. So it seems to me that this was all you could come up with.


And you still haven't figured out the differences between what Dan said and what I have said in the past.


Check out the bold...seriously, what the fuck? I even apologized for busting out your problem with the English language...


I already said I'm not wasting my evening going back and looking at all of your posts. Sorry to dissapoint. :rolleyes:


Can you not read, Greg? I see the difference between what you and Dan did. You had permission to talk about how cool your friends cars are; Dan didn't. That, sir, is the difference.


What I'm pointing out is that if Dan is gay for what he did, they you are too. End of story.


Or would you rather agree to disagree? :lol:


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Marc officially gets the award for keeping his e-cool in this thread. Like he fucking said

take what I said with a grain of salt. Afterall, it's only the internet.
I don't know what people are getting their panties in a bunch over, but this thread is probably one of the lamest I've ever seen people argue about (dare I say get "emotional" over?).


powers, I'm not attacking your integrity so don't start challenging me to races left and right; all I want to say is that you're doing too much research into your own posting and you're being way too attentive to this thread.


That is all.

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