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credit report


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Guest powers
nothing in life is free. Congress forced the credit bureaus to give you free credit repost so they do but the free ones are not worth the paper they are printed on. If you want a real credit report without the inquiry on your credit go to myfico.com if you just want a real credit report go to someone and have your credit pulled, someone to grants credit and needs a real credit report. You just can't go to a dealer ship or a bank and say pull my credit and give me a copy, becasue they are not allowed to give it to you but if you are coll with the person they should have no major issue slipping you a copy.
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Guest Luetic
I know it is important, but your score does not matter quite as much as its made out to be. My credit score is crap but it doesn't interfere with my life or ability to obtain credit. I think more important is your income / debt ratio and your net worth and income. I mean, if you have a credit score of 780 but make $30k / yr. no one is going to finance an Aston Martin for you. However if you make $300k with little to no debt and a credit score of 500, pick out the color and have a nice day.
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I know it is important, but your score does not matter quite as much as its made out to be. My credit score is crap but it doesn't interfere with my life or ability to obtain credit. I think more important is your income / debt ratio and your net worth and income. I mean, if you have a credit score of 780 but make $30k / yr. no one is going to finance an Aston Martin for you. However if you make $300k with little to no debt and a credit score of 500, pick out the color and have a nice day.



You just picked two outlandish scenarios that probably no one here is going to fall into. Someone on here making 30k/yr might be looking for something more along the lines of a house or a reasonable used car. Their credit score is definitely going to effect their APR they get on a house loan or a car loan, which will effect the bottom line of the true cost of the house or car to them. On the other hand, while you are probably right about the scenario with the 300k/yr, no debt, but a credit score of 500 is stretching the terms of reality a bit. They definitely will not have a problem getting that Aston Martin, but I bet you can’t find one person that fits those three simple pieces of criteria in all of the greater Columbus area. Most anyone making 300k/yr is going to have a fairly nice house in Dublin that the probably got a loan on, a trophy wife driving around an Expedition that they are making payments on, school loans that for some reason they are still paying off, and probably have pretty good credit from making regular payments on all of these.

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Yeah I'm not so sure about that $300,000 and 500 credit score comparison to $30,000 and 780...I think it's bullshit. Jesse's right, those are pretty outlandish scenarios, given that the person with a credit score of 780 living on $30k/yr probably knows how to budget and manage debt pretty well and wouldnt be in the market for a car so far out of sync with their lifestyle. The guy earning $300k is a less attractive borrower because that small percentage that he fits into has a marked propensity to spend beyond their means and attempt to finance before they have earned, and his low credit score is indicative of this. Not making payments on time, etc leading to poor credit score is an early warning sign.


This is not going to include all possible cases, just some generalization, proving that credit score DOES matter. Why do you think that engineers, while not the top wage-earners, are often more likely to get a large loan than managers? Could it be that they have better job security, and are therefore more likely to consistently pay back the money? There are people making 6 figures with Porsche in the driveway without $5 to put in the gas tank...and they probably miss their damn payments too.


Your thread got jacked, but I think you got an answer up there somewhere!

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Guest Luetic
It isn't really that weird of a scenario, as I fit it. I do make more than $300k/yr. I have a very low debt to income ratio. My credit score is like, 500 and something. Your credit score is also lower if you pay off loans very quickly, which I do, all the time. And no, it does not affect my ability to borrow money. My home loan is 15 yr fixed at 4.25%. But it will be paid off in 10 years. And yes, I do have $5 to put in the tank. :) No, I don't have an Aston, that is outside of my means. My last tanking was due to one of my business managers paying the loan on a corporate car late. That really pissed me off, so I just paid it off early = double whammy! She made late payments in my name and I paid it off early. The new corp car payment goes out automatically now, hehe.
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