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I'm going to have to agree with Brian here, this flaming is bull shit. Sometimes you guys on here make me think of you as assholes; even freshly cleaned and smelling nice your still ass holes. Hypocrites too, if you haven't drove "drunk" your a lier or a monk. I don't condone either situation, but give the guy a break from the flaming and stop sprouting your pussies.


-Scott, you got lucky man, just consider what your doing next time.

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I appologize about the nature of the post. #1. I haven't drank in 5 months, stupid to drive. #2. Live in a combat zone see if that don't fuck up your mentality, thus I REALLY NEEDED A DRINK to clear the brain. #3. I THOUGHT thus THOUGHT I was good to drive less than 1 mile away to a specified location, being a residency to chill and not drink. #4. The police recognized and UNDERSTOOD my stupidity and knew what I've been through, so they were more than generous in sparing my life/career. #5. Yeah stupid post I agree, I didn't mean to seem to brag, but LORD knows if anyone has been drinking just a little and think about driving, I wouldn't do it. I've learned a lesson the hard way, so be that. I've really enjoyed my short period of time to relax and not be shot @, IED's blowin up left and right etc.... And yes I have a problem, I over indulge in alcohol, but there are some here that do the same. With that said I'll be @ easton tonight and won't be driving back.
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I'm going to have to agree with Brian here, this flaming is bull shit. Sometimes you guys on here make me think of you as assholes; even freshly cleaned and smelling nice your still ass holes. Hypocrites too, if you haven't drove "drunk" your a lier or a monk. I don't condone either situation, but give the guy a break from the flaming and stop sprouting your pussies.


-Scott, you got lucky man, just consider what your doing next time.


I'm no Monk, and Lord strike me down if I were fibbing. Do you shoot someone every time you are angry at them? No, you understand the consequences associated with murder.


Doesn't make someone different from the norm if they can evaluate consequences.



I respect you for serving in the military, but that's no excuse for endangering the lives you protect.

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I'm going to have to agree with Brian here, this flaming is bull shit. Sometimes you guys on here make me think of you as assholes; even freshly cleaned and smelling nice your still ass holes. Hypocrites too, if you haven't drove "drunk" your a lier or a monk.



Well I guess you can call me a monk then.... I'll have an occasional beer

and that about it. Never have I been drunk, nor would I drive if I was…


Scott, If you know you have a problem why don't you seek some

help. The hardest step is to realize the problem. So your already

started toward the right direction. I hope you make the right

decisions toward your problem in the future.

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Scott, If you know you have a problem why don't you seek some

help. The hardest step is to realize the problem. So your already

started toward the right direction. I hope you make the right

decisions toward your problem in the future.


The reason he hasn't drank in 5 month's is because he has been making sure our sorry ass's can. Not becuase he has a PROBLEM with drinking. He's home on leave from Iraq. Alchohol is illegal there. All he wanted to do was come home and party his ass off in his home town. Maybe if one of his buddies was with him things would have been differant. I don't even know this guy. But the way people are chiming in nearly a week after with their copy cat replies, is retarted. Those of you posting the same shit that has already been said, you're awesome. It's like punching someone that was knocked out by someone else. You are not effective. Do you feel better? (don't answer that)

How about we let this drop? I think he has aready had to go back to Iraq. I'm sure the point has been made. I think the balance is that he will have his life at risk for us for the next few months. No, I'm not justifing what he did. But the fact is, he was got to BEFORE something happend. Lesson learned, I'm sure.

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Well I would have to say, I don't know the situation. And I did not feel

I was bashing him at all. He is the one that said he may have a drinking

problem. That is all I was commenting on. And all the stuff that he

sees over in Iraq. I can't say I don't blame him if he does have a drinking

problem. That is all...


The reason he hasn't drank in 5 month's is because he has been making sure our sorry ass's can. Not becuase he has a PROBLEM with drinking. He's home on leave from Iraq. Alchohol is illegal there. All he wanted to do was come home and party his ass off in his home town. Maybe if one of his buddies was with him things would have been differant. I don't even know this guy. But the way people are chiming in nearly a week after with their copy cat replies, is retarted. Those of you posting the same shit that has already been said, you're awesome. It's like punching someone that was knocked out by someone else. You are not effective. Do you feel better? (don't answer that)

How about we let this drop? I think he has aready had to go back to Iraq. I'm sure the point has been made. I think the balance is that he will have his life at risk for us for the next few months. No, I'm not justifing what he did. But the fact is, he was got to BEFORE something happend. Lesson learned, I'm sure.

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:o That just makes it easier for you to get me in the sack.


:runs out and buys a six pack of women drinks:


So uhhh, wanna come over and blow a car up or something. Lol @ you.


Zeev6, guess I'm a monk. :rolleyes: Just like I said before, how hard is it to realize that just because a majority of America are dumb fucks and do it once or twice, it doesn't incorporate everyone. No, I like my life, I like the way my life is right now. I'd like not to die, have my license suspended, commit vehicular manslaughter, go to prison for however many years, what have you. Some people actually HAVEN'T drank and drove. Honestly in my belief, we need stricter laws against drunk driving.

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:runs out and buys a six pack of women drinks:


So uhhh, wanna come over and blow a car up or something. Lol @ you.


Zeev6, guess I'm a monk. :rolleyes: Just like I said before, how hard is it to realize that just because a majority of America are dumb fucks and do it once or twice, it doesn't incorporate everyone. No, I like my life, I like the way my life is right now. I'd like not to die, have my license suspended, commit vehicular manslaughter, go to prison for however many years, what have you. Some people actually HAVEN'T drank and drove. Honestly in my belief, we need stricter laws against drunk driving.

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I'm addicted to sex. Wanna get together?




I so agree with one of your statement in particular. Just b/c everyone in America thinks it is ok doesn't mean it is. Truth is truth. There is no way around it. I am not judging or saying anyone (except one person that has admitted his problem..u know whou r) has a problem, but just b/c some people think ur behavior is ok doesn't mean it truly is. If u haven't noticed the world is in some serious trouble in the ethical department. I think some people b/f might have stated that they would understand if the original poster had a drinking problem b/c of what they went through. What a bunch of crap. My brother spent 18 months over in IRAQ. He left America a boy and came back a man. HE CHOOSE NOT TO STAY A LITTLE BOY. U have to remember an addcition affects everyone close to u. U CHOOSE to stay in that addiction. It's b/c u r selfish, selfish, selfish. Eventually it will catch up with u. I know from experience. THANK GOD I don't have to deal with that situation anymore. I am so happy in my life now that I don't have to deal with it. It's like I have a new lease on life. Now I have someone in my life who TRULY, TRULY, TRULY cares for me. If people would say NO to addictions, suffer for a little while...they would be much happier. Believe me I know.
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Just to maybe clear his name some, I never kenw scotty to drink and drive, he would always just crash at my place if he drank too much. Sometimes hed pass out with a case on his head, but thats alright. So I think and hope he learned his lesson this time. And I hope he learned his lesson to F-ing let me know when hes in town, the bastard.
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And the asshat of the day award goes to: YOU

Luke, I was directing most of my post to this one. I should have quoted him too. The only reason I quoted yours was the drinking problem issue. It sounded like you were at least trying to suggest a solution.

I'm done on this thread. Good luck Scott. Hope you're back soon.

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