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:runs out and buys a six pack of women drinks:


So uhhh, wanna come over and blow a car up or something. Lol @ you.


Zeev6, guess I'm a monk. :rolleyes: Just like I said before, how hard is it to realize that just because a majority of America are dumb fucks and do it once or twice, it doesn't incorporate everyone. No, I like my life, I like the way my life is right now. I'd like not to die, have my license suspended, commit vehicular manslaughter, go to prison for however many years, what have you. Some people actually HAVEN'T drank and drove. Honestly in my belief, we need stricter laws against drunk driving.

Well, conratulations, you are officially apart of a minority. As stated before, I do not condone drinking and driving; the fact is even the most thoughtful fairy, average joe, or astounding citizen has more then likely done it. Someone had to defend Scott, people are going to mess up. There were also three pages of fags bitching before anyone with a half assed remark stepped in to say something.

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Being in uniform actually made one cop all the more pissed off when I got a speeding ticket once, because "I think I'm above the law".. :rolleyes:. But yeah congrats on getting off easy on that one. Anybody who bitches about drunk drives is a complete hypocrite because we've all done it at least a few times.


Are you completely sure about this??? Cuz I wouldn't advise you to bet your life on it. I DON'T drink, never have, it's a waste of money and time.


As far as drunnk drivers, with all the media coverage and as may different people saying that it's a good way to kill someone, I think it should be attempted murder as the law see's it. There is NO FUCKING WAY that ANYONE can claim that they don't know that driving drunk gets people killed. As far as the douche bag that is bragging that he got off of being charged, well I hope the next cop throws the book at you, and the cop that let you off should be fired and charged with complicity and do time as well.


It's bad enough that you are a dumb fuck and even attempted to drive drunk, but then to get popped and get off just sucks.

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You know what....


fuck everything that was said in this thread....


Fuck any of you who think drinking and driving is ok...


You wanna know why?!


A friend of mine just died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver last night. She and her boyfriend were on their way back from Florida, and a guy was drunk going the wrong way on the freeway, slammed into them head on going 70-80 mph. Her boyfriend is pretty fucked up too, some broken bones and stuff. She was only 20 years old(just turned 20) and was probably the sweetest girl I have met...


RIP Caitlin

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Sorry about you're loss. We all lose people we love. I empathize with you.


Oh don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for her boyfriend who loved her with all his heart and would do anything to protect her and was helpless when the drunk hit them. Feel sorry for her mother who has lost a daughter. Feel sorry for her sorority sisters who had stronger friendships than we can possibly imagine that have lost a sister...


Don't feel sorry for me.

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Guest ReneeM
Oh don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for her boyfriend who loved her with all his heart and would do anything to protect her and was helpless when the drunk hit them. Feel sorry for her mother who has lost a daughter. Feel sorry for her sorority sisters who had stronger friendships than we can possibly imagine that have lost a sister...


Don't feel sorry for me.

I don't feel "sorry" for you. I meant I am sad about your loss. That's all.

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Hey now...I don't discriminate.


After reading Lance's story everyone should be glad they have another day on this blessed earth. That is way too young to be taken out of this world. Life is way too short. I am glad I have the opportunity to CHOOSE to enjoy each day to the fullest. Life is grand. :D:D:D

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Guest racinbird

Not tring to change the subject or anything....but whats all the hype about drinking and driving?? Arent more people involved in accidents due to; talking on the cell phone, eating, reading newspapers, puting on make-up, and just being a dumbazz then anything else?? No one seems to give a second look to those people who choose to drive and do something that distracted them. Everyone wants the fucking book thrown at ANYONE who drinks and drives, but its a slap on the wrist for everyone else that causes accidents from careless driving





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Not tring to change the subject or anything....but whats all the hype about drinking and driving?? Arent more people involved in accidents due to; talking on the cell phone, eating, reading newspapers, puting on make-up, and just being a dumbazz then anything else?? No one seems to give a second look to those people who choose to drive and do something that distracted them. Everyone wants the fucking book thrown at ANYONE who drinks and drives, but its a slap on the wrist for everyone else that causes accidents from careless driving



















Alcohol Impaired Driving Statistics

Total Fatalities / Fatality Rates


1. 250,000 people have died in alcohol related accidents in the past 10 years.

2. Presently 25,000 people are killed each year in alcohol related accidents.

3. 500 people are killed each week in alcohol related accidents.

4. 71 people are killed each day in alcohol related accidents.

5. One American life is lost every 20 minutes in alcohol related auto crashes.

6. It is estimated that one out of every two Americans will be involved in an alcohol related accident in his or her lifetime.

7. In 1994, New Hampshire had 119 total highway fatalities, 42 were alcohol related (or 35.3% of the total). New Hampshire leads the nation with one of the lowest percentages of alcohol related fatalities.


Top of Page


Cause of Death


1. Alcohol related crashes are the leading cause of death for young Americans, between the ages of 16 and 24 years old.

2. For all Americans between 5 and 35 years of age, motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of death. Over 50% of these accidents are caused by alcohol impaired drivers.


Recent Alcohol-Involvement


1. Over 50% of all fatal highway crashes involving two or more cars are alcohol related.

2. Over 65% of all fatal single car crashes are alcohol related.

3. Over 36% percent of all adult pedestrian accidents are alcohol related.

4. 80% of all fatal alcohol related auto crashes occur between 8 pm and 8 am.

5. 36% of all adult pedestrian accidents involve an intoxicated pedestrian.


Don't Drink and Drive


Injury Crashes / Collisions


1. Every year, 708,000 persons are injured in alcohol related crashes; 74, 000 of those people suffer serious injuries.

2. About 2,000 people are hurt each day in alcohol related accidents.

3. Two million alcohol impaired driving collisions occur each year.


Arrest / Characteristics of Alcohol Impaired Drivers


1. Of every 200 to 2,000 alcohol impaired drivers on the road, only one is arrested. Therefore, the probability of getting caught is slim. Of those who are caught, very few receive a serious penalty.

2. The average alcohol impaired driver arrested on the highway has a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .20%, double the level for presumed intoxication in most states; that is 14 drinks of 86% proof liquor (or 14 beers) in 4 hours for a 180 lb. man.

3. Between 7 pm and 3 am on weekends, 10% of all drivers are legally impaired, in some parts of the country.Most Americans drink alcohol. Over 80% admit to driving after drinking.

4. Relatively few problem drinkers, about 7% of the driving population, account for over 66% of all alcohol related fatal accidents.

5. When drinkers are at the presumed level of intoxication, the risk of causing an accident is six times greater than for non-drinking drivers.


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1. Although persons between 16 and 24 years old comprise only 20% of the total licensed population, and 20% of the total vehicle miles traveled in this country by all licensed drivers, they cause 42 percent of all fatal atcohol related crashes.


Economic / Societal Cost


1. According to a recent Allstate Insurance Company study, alcohol impaired drivers are estimated to cost American taxpayers $21 - $24 billion dollars per year.




so fuck you for bringing that up....

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Guest racinbird

First off, you can suck my dick asshole, I never said anything about you or against you. I wasnt tring to disrespect the drunk driving laws, just saying that ALL aspects of careless driving need to be looked at, not just drunk driving.


Second, I guess its all in personal experience, but I have known more people that have been hurt from car accidents from careless driving, not alcohol related driving. So, regardless of your little facts display, I STILL feel it is important to look at ALL causes of accidents, everyone should be punished for careless driving, not just alcohol related driving. I would be just as pissed to lose a loved one from someone talking on a cell phone then from a drunk driver.

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a bunch of inaccurate statistics



So where did you get that info? Because according to NHTSA statistics from 2004, all your stats are wrong. I also fucking hate that statistic "one person dies every 20 minutes blah blah blah." That is assuming that every single person in a drunk driving accident has one person die at the scene of the accident and everyone else is okay. In fact, in 2004 there was a significant decrease (over 5%) from the previous year of alcohol+automobile fatalities. Rollover fatalities remained almost exactly the same, and were only 6000 fatalities short of the alcohol related mark, which by the way, was 9000 less than your statistic quoted. In fact, unless your statistics are taken from 1988, you're completely fucking wrong. The average in the last 15 years has been about 20,000 fatalities per year, with a maximum in 1988 being around 24,000. Additionally, speeding related (ohhhh this applies to us now!) crashes average about 14 or 15 thousand fatalities per year, since 1988, and have a 2004 rate of about 13,000, which is fairly stagnant since previous years; again reinforcing the greater volatility of the alcohol-related crashes. The median (just as good as the mean for statistical purposes, due to such a large sample) BAC for drivers is not .20 as you quoted, but in fact .16. This is important for 2 reasons. It is a 20% decrease in your stat, and it also puts the average below the "ultra-drunk" level of .17.


I'm not trivializing Caitlin's death. I've had several friends who have perished in drunk driving accidents. There have been some where it was their own fault, there have been some that are caused by others. I have a friend whose entire immediate family (mother, father, brother) were all killed in an accident and he has severe nerve damage. However, if you're gonna get up in arms and start saying "fuck you" to people, know your shit. Don't start running your mouth and making enemies unless you know what you're talking about.




All that aside, drunk driving is still bad. People die. That is fucking life. If you don't realize that we are all here to fucking fart around and do nothing more, consider the chances of you existing as you are. Infinitely against you. 1 in 500 million. Thats what chance that one sperm cell had in your mom's womb. But it doesn't stop. 1 in 500 million is about the same as your parents each had...and grandparents, and so on. Now lets turn to the Many-Worlds Theory. I'm not gonna explain it. Those of you bright enough to know what I'm talking about will appreciate it. Those not so...tough shit, you're missing out. So if the Many-Worlds Theory is true, or even remotely accurate, you really have to realize that this is all entirely retarded to be getting up in arms about. I do what I enjoy. No, I'm not gonna go drunk driving because I think its fun, I have respect for others' beliefs and attatchment to life. Its not wrong, it is just what each person holds to be true. So getting up in arms, IMHO, about someone's death is not something that should really happen. Are you trying to avenge her by attacking those with a less-militant attitude towards drunk drivers?


/philosophical jibba jabba

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I don't give a shit what the statistics say... you could be 1 and a million as far as drinking and hurting someone... and I don't give a shit about the people who put on makeup whihle driving... they should get yelled at or something also... the fact is... drinking and driving DOES cause accidents that are sometimes fatal... if you don't agree you are a fucking idiot. drinking and driving is stupid... end of story....


talking on the cell phone, puting on makeup, etc... is also stupid... no one ever argued that... what is being argued about is drinking and driving. it is stupid... if you do drink and drive and think it's ok, let me know next time you drive... I have no problem calling 1-800-GRAB-DUI on your ass and you can see if the police think you are right or wrong.


Alex... shame on you... I used to think you were a really smart guy with a good head on your shoulders... please rethink what you said and don't drink and drive... I know that drinking is fun and all that jazz (believe me, I'm an alcholic) but dude, driving is fucking stupid.

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I don't give a shit what the statistics say... you could be 1 and a million as far as drinking and hurting someone... and I don't give a shit about the people who put on makeup whihle driving... they should get yelled at or something also... the fact is... drinking and driving DOES cause accidents that are sometimes fatal... if you don't agree you are a fucking idiot. drinking and driving is stupid... end of story....


talking on the cell phone, puting on makeup, etc... is also stupid... no one ever argued that... what is being argued about is drinking and driving. it is stupid... if you do drink and drive and think it's ok, let me know next time you drive... I have no problem calling 1-800-GRAB-DUI on your ass and you can see if the police think you are right or wrong.


Alex... shame on you... I used to think you were a really smart guy with a good head on your shoulders... please rethink what you said and don't drink and drive... I know that drinking is fun and all that jazz (believe me, I'm an alcholic) but dude, driving is fucking stupid.

nowhere in my rant of philosophical assfuckery did i say that i drink and drive, nor did i say it is okay to. What i'm saying is that shit fucking happens. It is our responsibility to do as much as we can to stop drunk drivers, but AFTER THE FACT, there's no point in getting militant towards people that are normally your friends.

No, I'm not gonna go drunk driving because I think its fun, I have respect for others' beliefs

I don't think drunk driving is right, if thats what you interpreted that to be, I'm just saying that I'm not callous towards other's feelings about drunk driving. However, I do get really annoyed when, to make a point, people use false information. I want the whole story to be heard. I want people to know the whole truth. That's why groups like Truth piss me off. They basically fill youth's heads with half-truths and generalizations and manipulated statistics just as much as the big tobacco companies do. They encroach on people's freedom to do as they please, and the principle that America's economy was founded on that people can run a business as long as there is demand for it.


I know I seemed very insensitive, but believe me I feel very strongly against drunk driving. I do, however, feel that more than simply drunk driving needs to be attacked, driving standards as a whole need to be addressed. Just look at those rollover stats. Look at the speeding stats. Look at the shit I researched. Drunk drivers are a small part of a huge problem; that drivers aren't good enough. While I agree that we need to do all we can to stop drunk drivers, (i.e. call 1800 GRAB DUI) I think the more important issue is how to educate drivers before getting them on the road.


Now that I've reread my post, I can see where you though I was coming off as defending drunk drivers. I apologize for that, and I think I've clarified my point sufficiently.

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Guest racinbird
I don't give a shit what the statistics say... you could be 1 and a million as far as drinking and hurting someone... and I don't give a shit about the people who put on makeup whihle driving... they should get yelled at or something also... the fact is... drinking and driving DOES cause accidents that are sometimes fatal... if you don't agree you are a fucking idiot. drinking and driving is stupid... end of story....


talking on the cell phone, puting on makeup, etc... is also stupid... no one ever argued that... what is being argued about is drinking and driving. it is stupid... if you do drink and drive and think it's ok, let me know next time you drive... I have no problem calling 1-800-GRAB-DUI on your ass and you can see if the police think you are right or wrong.


Alex... shame on you... I used to think you were a really smart guy with a good head on your shoulders... please rethink what you said and don't drink and drive... I know that drinking is fun and all that jazz (believe me, I'm an alcholic) but dude, driving is fucking stupid.


This type of response is why I made my first post. If the driver was drunk it sounds like you would want them put in front of a firing squad. However if someone slammed into your families car because they were talking on the cell phone, then its no big fucking deal. You are an idiot, both were caused by people being stupid and careless behind the wheel.


I NEVER said driving drunk was ok, I just said that driving drunk is the only thing people seem worried about, nothing else.

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This type of response is why I made my first post. If the driver was drunk it sounds like you would want them put in front of a firing squad. However if someone slammed into your families car because they were talking on the cell phone, then its no big fucking deal. You are an idiot, both were caused by people being stupid and careless behind the wheel.


I NEVER said driving drunk was ok, I just said that driving drunk is the only thing people seem worried about, nothing else.


No, that is not what people seem worried about...


People are worried about their "rights"


We had to do a public debate for one of my classes where the audience voted on who they thought should be the winner. We did if talking on your cell phone should be illegal. We had all the facts, tests, stats, etc about how dangerous driving while talking on your cell phone is, even where the constitution talks about protecting people (really tired, not gonna look up the exact quote). The opposition just went out and said that banning talking on your cell while driving is taking away your rights. People are more worried about themselves and their so called rights, rather than the safety of fellow citizens.


The people for talking on your cell while driving won. Not by much by they won. People don't want to give up their own "rights" to help others if it inconvienences them.

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