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El Karacho1647545492

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BigB, you fight everything to the end huh, even if it was something where you were definitely in the wrong and did something illegal? If so I think your name stands for Big Baby doesn't it
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I don't believe in God because I don't like the idea that there is an unattainable perfection greater than I can potentially achieve.


You work with drug abusers? That is an admirable line of work and I have a lot of respect for you, as I do for rational police officers (which I know many of) and other public servants. I also have a ton of respect for those who run the pennitentiary system, and both my aunt and uncle have been involved in this for almost 40 years. My uncle is now retired, but has seen almost every level of employment in prison facilities, including warden of several prisons of varying levels of security. You want to tell me some of those fuckups I saw there deserve a second chance? Fuck no. Don't even start. Rehabilitation is the goal of incarceration, along with punishment, but there are some people in there you know got an easy break with a great lawyer and are gonna get out and commit the same crime again. Don't tell me everyone deserves a second chance because God himself thinks it so; we the people of this earth are the judge, jury and executioner. God isn't going to come down and make rapists stop raping, or serial killers stop killing: it is up to us to fucking protect ourselves against the evil of the world, and the only thing I regret is that natural selection is so easily curbed by intellect. I'm sure as hell not perfect, and I've made my share of mistakes; some very serious. However, the difference between me and other fuckups is that I fixed myself.

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So Lance...we've reverted to name calling now. You truly show your age. Every single comment I have made has been educated and tactful. Ur momma needs to give u all a spankin... :D:D:D
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Sorry I had to clear my discussion...I have a serious stalker on this website and I don't want him to know even the slightest about my life. I am out for today guys/gals. Sorry no more heated discussions for me today even though I love playing devil's advocate.
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