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Arresting people for being drunk in bars

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Guest racinbird
Nothing wrong with that. I've seen too many people leaving in their own cars after I've watched them do 5+ mixed drinks. Bartenders should know when to stop serving.


DISCLAIMER> I am guilty of stupid shit too.

Are you serious? Arrested BEFORE leaving the bar is understandable?


Maybe get them as they approach thier car after the bar, or if they are causing trouble in the bar, but shit, just for being drunk in a bar??


Hell, if thats the case then I would sue the bar for serving me enough to get drunk.

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"But, I was drunk in the bar. They threw me into public! Arrest them."


Eh, chances are they did not walk into a bar and pick on normal people who had DDs or had called a cab or had only had 2 or 3 beers.


The media reports the portion of the story they know will get people's panties in a bind.


A little more detail:



And, there's probably a lot more detail out there...

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"But, I was drunk in the bar. They threw me into public! Arrest them."


Eh, chances are they did not walk into a bar and pick on normal people who had DDs or had called a cab or had only had 2 or 3 beers.


The media reports the portion of the story they know will get people's panties in a bind.

I was about to write "took the words right outta my mouth". Then I realized the folly of that statement.


You stole the text right off my screen;). I bet they're only going to arrest you if you're alone and outta control, aka getting grabby, belligerent, or just being a total reckless idiot. If you're with a group with a DD or seem rational, they won't pay much attention. You don't have to be completely sober, you just have to be soberer than the drunkest idiot at the bar:D.

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Alright then pre-emptively arrest every chick in the bar for prostitution. She has all the tools necessary to become a prostitute at a moments notice. Best to keep them off the streets.


The texas sucks ass guys...well when you bitch about the columbus assault weapons ban, you can look at texas' laws regarding your 2nd amendment rights. They are much more hospitable to your RKBA than Ohio.

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The texas sucks ass guys...well when you bitch about the columbus assault weapons ban, you can look at texas' laws regarding your 2nd amendment rights. They are much more hospitable to your RKBA than Ohio.


I tried to buy a shotgun the other day until I found out that you have to have a columbus permit to buy even a LONG ARM in the city. Pissed me right off...

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You stole the text right off my screen;). I bet they're only going to arrest you if you're alone and outta control, aka getting grabby, belligerent, or just being a total reckless idiot. If you're with a group with a DD or seem rational, they won't pay much attention. You don't have to be completely sober, you just have to be soberer than the drunkest idiot at the bar:D.


It's not about what's reasonable or what should or will happen. It's about what the laws and courts could allow them (the law enforcers) to do that violates peoples rights. Just because a law or a system is in place that won't be applied because it's unreasonable, doesn't mean it's ok. I'm sure many people will unreasonable get arrested for this because some cop is a bad cop, having a bad day, thinks something is happening that is not. Frankly, what the fuck is a bar for if you can't get drunk in it if you aren't causing a problem. I bet really soon we will see a really rich person get arrested and get really pissed off about this, and it will go to a much higher court down there.


Also, law ARE NOT to protect people from themselves, or at least they shouldn't be in a free country. They should be to protect people from other people. Two of the three reasons they cited getting too drunk is bad "People walk out into traffic and get run over, people jump off of balconies trying to reach a swimming pool and miss." GOOD, the idiots killed themselves, natural selection.

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You know, actions like this aren't too far off from the Patriot Act...


It all is part of the bureaucratic policy shift...from 1900-1939, it was "Speak softly and carry a big stick", an extension of Monroe's "International Police" policy. Then from 1945-91 it was containment. Now it's moved to preemptive strike. Don't expect things like this to change for a while, even with a new administration.

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