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in the skies above, two locals get arrested for speeds 120+


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With helicopters, its hard to say that the speed trap is at a certain spot, rather, its everywhere above you as my friends have found out:


Two friends of mine, got onto I-315 southbound at the Ackerman on ramp. An AUdi A4 and an MR2 accelerated to 120+mph and raced down to the 670 interchange where they were met by 9 police cars.


Unaware to them that above them they were being watched until the search light pierced their moonroof/tops, the police helicopter had noticed their quick entrance onto the highway.


On their tickets the officers wrote ACKERMAN RD concluding that they were seen getting on the highway and monitored until their arrest. Even though they were driving normally until the highway, they still got caught. BOth cars are of a dark color with no ricer mods.


THe time was 2:30am. They both received reckless op tickets which they paid this Monday. $230 each. neither one received a speeding ticket. they weren't doing pulls, they were just having fun on the highways when there was little to no traffic. thats all i know on the subject.


Just a friendly warning ...

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Guest c1runnersw20
My freind in his MR2 T was being taunted by a guy on a Busa near 70 e on 270 at 1am last summer. The guy on the Busa lifted the front end up to maybe 140mph. He slowed down and pointed up to the sky. We looked up and saw flashing aviation lights. The Helicopter shined his light on us and flew up ahead of us. A mile down the road there was cop. Didnt get pulled Luckily.
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