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The NWS thing

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets
Ok I have a problem with all you fags that sit at work and bitch about some boobie pic because your fat lazy overpaid ass is at work surfing the net , not working but surfing the net. GET A FUCKING LIFE LOSERS.
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Guest 614Streets


I'll keep my reply to 1 point. Some Mods and Admins on here use part of their lunchtime and their break times keeping this place running, in part so people have a Kitchen to vent their concerns.



Now watch everyone use that as an excuse. Yeah right 99% of the people who are pro nws / cry when a boobie pic is posted are not on a break. If your are the 1% jump on nurks bandwagon and make it 2-5%.

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Now watch everyone use that as an excuse. Yeah right 99% of the people who are pro nws / cry when a boobie pic is posted are not on a break. If your are the 1% jump on nurks bandwagon and make it 2-5%.


I HAVE to be careful about viewing CR at work. "Others" before me had CR blocked at one point in time. The Others can post if they feel like it. :)

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I like NWS. A lot of times i'll be scrolling the Pics & Vids section and not be in the mood to yank my crank, and just to check out something funny someone posted. That way, the NWS thing lets me know whats going on. And seriously, is it that much of a fucking hassle for you to take 2/3 of a second out of your post to type "NWS"? This is a lame rant.
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I think he is just jealous because he dosen't have a job that allows him to use the internet at work. The way I look at it, I am on the internet at work so therefore I am not on it at home. I have more of a life than you because I am not wasting my free time on the internet as you are now. Poor you! Well, I guess I better get back to work. hahahaha
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Im a goverment employe, all I do is surf the web at work.


Seriously, I usually troll around cr on my lunch, and if I take a 5 minuter brain breather once in a while to check the garage sale or the parking lot for something funny. The NWS is kinda handy for those imbedded pitures the arent big brother approved.

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Guest 614Streets
I think he is just jealous because he dosen't have a job that allows him to use the internet at work. The way I look at it, I am on the internet at work so therefore I am not on it at home. I have more of a life than you because I am not wasting my free time on the internet as you are now. Poor you! Well, I guess I better get back to work. hahahaha



I am not jealous of no man on this earth. I love my job. And sadly your life could only be equal to mine young skywalker not better.

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Guest 614Streets
When I read this, I interpret it as "I wish I was a girl."




Shame, young grasshopper, you shame us all.


Its ok buddy you will turn 19 soon....

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are you jealous because I get paid 65k a year to look on CR on my 2 15 min breaks a day?


some of us are able to do this.... but bewbies pics on our work computer is a HUGE no no... if you can't follow the rules, then you will get banned soon... easy enough.

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