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Cynthia McKinney: throwing the race card


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This is some rediculous bull shit. How can some bitch reguardless of her stature strike a police officer. She didn't follow the rules and the man was doing his job and she hit him. Now she is saying it was because she is black?!? Are you fucking kidding me. On cnn TV the bitch is smiling and will not even talk about what happened because she knows she broke the law and should be arrested for assault. She probably did this on purpose so she could be famous. Is it being blown out of proportion? I don't think so this kind of BS should be addressed, having a different ethnic background should not be a get out of jail free card for famous people.


Kyle G.

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If you haven't read this yet

Cnn linky


This is some rediculous bull shit. How can some bitch reguardless of her stature strike a police officer. She didn't follow the rules and the man was doing his job and she hit him. Now she is saying it was because she is black?!? Are you fucking kidding me. On cnn TV the bitch is smiling and will not even talk about what happened because she knows she broke the law and should be arrested for assault. She probably did this on purpose so she could be famous. Is it being blown out of proportion? I don't think so this kind of BS should be addressed, having a different ethnic background should not be a get out of jail free card for famous people.


Kyle G.



I completely agree that is Bullshit they will elect anyone she need to be sent to racial sensitivity classes you cant just go around hitting white people

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if i would have voted for her the first time, after this incodent I would vote against her... if she's a leader in the community, she should be above this petty crap... especially hitting a police officer.
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NO No no, she is now claiming that it she did not claim it was racial, and specifically said to go back and review the tape, where BTW she specifically says that it WAS racial.


Remember folks, these are the people that we elect to congress and the senate to represent our views and beliefs to the nation and to shape the growth and prosperity of the nation. And this is who we chose to do that. (Well, we didn't, but someone sure as hell did.) It sure makes me wonder just how fuckin drunk were they as they voted her into office?


EDIT: Just read the whole story, and it ain't there. This woman was specifically ordered by police, in the capital building, that she was not to cross a boundry and walk up to the casket of Loritta Scott King as she laid in state in the capital. Mind you NO ONE else was permitted to approach the casket either and instead they were walking around a mezinene above the casket. This woman disobeyed a direct order from a law enforcement officer, and went into a restricted area. She was ordered to stop again and was detained, at which point she struck the officer that was detaining her.

I find this most ironic that she claims racism and excessive force, when in the reality of everyday life for us normal people, if we were in a restricted area, and had been ordered by police to halt. Refused to obey the order and then upon being detained by police struck an officer, while still in a restricted area, we would at best be thrown to the ground and arrested, possibly maced or tazed for resisting arrest and possibly even shot. Remember that this it the Capital Building that they were in, it wasn't like she had jumped a fence at a junk yard, she was in one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the United States.


And like I said before, this is a reflection of who is representing our intrest's in matters of national importance and is therefore a reflection of the dumbasses that voted her in to begin with.

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