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Evo 9 wrecked in Newark?

Dr. Apex

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Just saw on the news that an Evo 9 was in a bad wreck on Rt. 13 in Newark this morning. They said the Evo lost control, bounced off a guardrail, then went into oncoming traffic head on into a truck. Anyone see this or know who it was?
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That's my neck of the woods, but seeing as I'm never there I don't know.



Some kid, 20 years old from Mt Vernon, has an Evo IX and decides to drive north on SR 13 and was going way way too fast. With 3 passengers in the car, loses control and bounces off a guardrail into an oncoming Ford pickup driven by a middle-aged couple. Sad thing is, the driver is among those who were treated and released, while his passengers were the ones seriously hurt. The rear passengers of the Evo were the ones who got a nice medevac ride to the hospital, one in serious condition and one in fair condition.


I hate to say it, but draw your own conclusion: 20-year-old male driver, 17-year-old female passenger in the front, another 20-year-old male in the back with another 17-year-old female. They're all from out there (in the sticks, pretty much), haulin ass up SR13 and happen to smack into some nice middle-aged couple from Pataskala because the driver can't control his pretty well balanced, new, 286 hp car.


Hmmm...I have no sympathy for that jackass driver. I hope he gets the punishment he deserves.



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It's just a shame to see a great car like that go to waste, I hope he gets his ass kicked.

No itisn't, they're too available to care. Wait 10-15 years when I nice Evo 9 is rare, then it'll be a shame. Why will they be rare? Because of males between the ages of 16 and 25, specificaly. They will obtain them, they will destroy them, either by wrecking or neglect. This is the circle of life for the hot car.It's why Mopars are worth so much now. young working kids couldn't afford them, but htey had to watch the wealtier kids in school driver around in them. Those guys destroyed their cars. "that which is obtained without work is held with little esteem" They wreck them, the dont maintain them, they do neutral drops, oversteer into mail boxes, etc etc. And now, the hard workers have more money then they know what to do with (obviously, who spends $100,000+ for a B body?), and like to fight each other at auctions.


Back on topic, Spoiled 20 y.o. in a $35k car fucks up and almost kills 2 innocent middle aged people in a $3 pickup. Aint that some shit'rollin'downhill shit.

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i know the kid from town........he is a assbag, and so is his father.......some might remember him and his dad from NOPI Norwalk with the Vette with the big wing, maseratti sp?, and the turbo integera....... he gets everything handed to him by daddy.......supposibly his dads vette is the fastest import around ....ROTFL.........morons...........they talk shit and never back it up........ some ppl i talked to said it was drug related......doesnt surprise me....oh well i do feel bad for the kids that got life flighted and the car.......
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