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looking for a Brick mason AND a artest ASAP


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Our 'office assistant' graduated from OSU with a degree in landscape architecture or something like that. We were recently getting some landscaping done here at work and she had some really nice sketches that she made. I can get you in contact with her if you would like.


The only person I can think of off of the top of my head for the mason work would be my Uncle. He usually doesn’t do 'side' jobs like this unless he has already done large jobs (finishing whole basements) for people before. The only reason he would possible do this is because I know you. I can say he will do an incredible job, but you will pay for it, and he probably won't get to it super quick. Ask Ben or Howard about his land down in Athens if you aren’t sure he will do a far better job than you could ever expect. I can get you in contact with him if you would like though.


If I do talk to either of them, can I get a few more small details about what you want to have done?

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let me know about the sketches if you could please.


I called Sam to see if he knew someone and he said he does this as well so I asked him to look at the job and quote it. I will let you know if I can't go with him for some reason0, but I like to go with friends if possable I just did not know he did this as well.

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