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got a real nasty virus, how can it be removed?


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a couple months ago i got a nasty virus. yes it is from porn. but its really anoying with putting spysherrif program on that pops up every 25 seconds in the middle of me doing shit. it covers my background picture on my desktop and i cant get rid of that and it will mess with the windows update and every two times im on my computer it will come up with the thing that says your computer has been updated restart now or wait and if your not around it it will restart on your own. i can even take a shower. how can i remove this shit without getting rid of all my good information. my virus protection cant remove it or quarintine it. it says i have like 47 trojan virus's.
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Guest HyperBurn

I used to work at Best Buy on the geek squad, Here's what you need to do. Install ad "Aware" and "spybot Search and Destroy", also get "Hijack This". All of these can be found at download.com install these then I am assuming you have an anti-virus program, If so use the update virus definitions so it is up to date.


Next, Unplug the PC from the internet, Restart your computer, and hit the F8 button so you can boot into safe mode.


Run all of these programs in this order,


1. Ad-Aware

2. Spybot

3. Hi-jack This

4. AntiVirus


This should solvee all your problems. If you need anymore help, feel free to ask.

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Did that once too just booting into Safemode. The only one I ran in this instance was Spybot S&D and it took care of the problem. Our IT Director had caught some stuff on this one guy's computer reaching out to sites on the net in the background while he was working, so I booted to Safemode without any networking and ran Spybot, found 30-some programs and fixed them, then immunized. No more troubles. :)
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