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Rich people


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Tonight at Sugar bar downtown, Linn and I partied with the Schottienstien kids. Yes the kids of the parents that own the parking lot we all hang out at on the weekends. Ok I am all about parents that are rich giving their kids some type of allowance but tonight was just unreal. He bought 25 bottles of Crystal at 450$ a bottle. Now you do the math on that. Its about 11200$ total without tip and all the other drinks he ordered. I think parents with money should still make their kids work for some money rather then letting them go nuts all the time. This is not the first time they have done this. This all happened tonight within 2 hrs of time. I just thought it was crazy.
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FWIW, South Florida is FULL of ultra-rich families. I mean, guys in their 20s that don't have to work ever. Families that have money going back 2 or 3 generations.


As long as you know you will NEVER be as rich as them, you may as well enjoy their company. After all, whether you spend $15k or $15 in alcohol for a night out, they're just trying to have a fucking good time.

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FWIW, South Florida is FULL of ultra-rich families. I mean, guys in their 20s that don't have to work ever. Families that have money going back 2 or 3 generations.


As long as you know you will NEVER be as rich as them, you may as well enjoy their company. After all, whether you spend $15k or $15 in alcohol for a night out, they're just trying to have a fucking good time.



I may be the only one, but if they are spending as Sam described, and they dont appreciate us, the normal people of scociety that have to work to make a buck, then fuck-em. I could not just "chalk it up" and be buddie buddie with people like that.


The only uber rich I have any kindof relationship with are the ones that are low key, and dont go around flaunting around their checking account (or their mommy's chacking account in this case). Call it jelousy, but those type of people urk me to no end. Again I say-fuck em.

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i dont come from money at all but if i were in there situation i cant say that i wouldnt do the same thing but then again i would have differant morals and veiws on the subject.



everyone of us on here that arnt rich would have comepletely diff veiws on the matter if we grew up rich, there is no reason to get pissed of that some d-bag flaunted his moms money (sounds like jelousy to me) and to all those people that say they arnt jealous but are still pissed your living in your own world, let them spend whos ever money it is and you spend yours

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Guest chpmnsws6
I may be the only one, but if they are spending as Sam described, and they dont appreciate us, the normal people of scociety that have to work to make a buck, then fuck-em. I could not just "chalk it up" and be buddie buddie with people like that.


The only uber rich I have any kindof relationship with are the ones that are low key, and dont go around flaunting around their checking account (or their mommy's chacking account in this case). Call it jelousy, but those type of people urk me to no end. Again I say-fuck em.


Study as hard as there parents did and then you to can be as rich as them.

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The only uber rich I have any kindof relationship with are the ones that are low key, and dont go around flaunting around their checking account (or their mommy's chacking account in this case). Call it jelousy, but those type of people urk me to no end. Again I say-fuck em.

quoted for motherfuckin' truf.

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Guest chpmnsws6


Teenagers are so cute.


Is it not true? Our government has enough programs out to for your school plus nearly enough to pay for your housing and food. My step-mother did this in the nursing program.




*edit* *edit2 for newbness*

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Guest powers

This goes for the majority of people as in 95% of them. If you grew up with that kind of money or came into it you would be the same kind of person. Sam included.


It is social class perception. People who live in poverty would think most of us flaunt our money by buying flashy cars or going out to expensive dinners and clubs. If any of the 20 something guys on CR with vettes drove through the bottoms people would be saying the same thing about them.


The only issue I have with rich people is that I am not one of them.

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I am not saying that I wouldnt do the same. If my parents were their parents I would be out spending money and having a good time. But I think I would still wanna work for some of it, it means alot more when you earn it yourself rather then given it to you.
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I am not saying that I wouldnt do the same. If my parents were their parents I would be out spending money and having a good time. But I think I would still wanna work for some of it, it means alot more when you earn it yourself rather then given it to you.


Excellent point.... I agree completely.

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Guest 614Streets
Tonight at Sugar bar downtown, Linn and I partied with the Schottienstien kids. Yes the kids of the parents that own the parking lot we all hang out at on the weekends. Ok I am all about parents that are rich giving their kids some type of allowance but tonight was just unreal. He bought 25 bottles of Crystal at 450$ a bottle. Now you do the math on that. Its about 11200$ total without tip and all the other drinks he ordered. I think parents with money should still make their kids work for some money rather then letting them go nuts all the time. This is not the first time they have done this. This all happened tonight within 2 hrs of time. I just thought it was crazy.



I know lots of people like that. I just say if you live once and money = fun then have fun or am I wrong? The truth is they are easily douped compared to a westsider but the westsiders are douped buy eastsiders that got none. Bread rises last I heard. I didnt say anything.

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This goes for the majority of people as in 95% of them. If you grew up with that kind of money or came into it you would be the same kind of person. Sam included.


It is social class perception. People who live in poverty would think most of us flaunt our money by buying flashy cars or going out to expensive dinners and clubs. If any of the 20 something guys on CR with vettes drove through the bottoms people would be saying the same thing about them.


The only issue I have with rich people is that I am not one of them.


what are u trying to say greg i grew up down there lol..... but my dad still lives there everytime i drove the monte there people was trying to find out where i live and where i keep the car

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Guest powers
what are u trying to say greg i grew up down there lol..... but my dad still lives there everytime i drove the monte there people was trying to find out where i live and where i keep the car

My mom currently lives on Hyden ave. I am saying that to people from the bottoms or who still live there would view Sam or Tilley as rich guys. It is all perception of what rich is. There are people that the Shottenstein boys view as rich ass holes because they are hella rich.

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