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Rich people


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Yeah rich bastards suck. I'm doing well, but I can't stop working yet. When I have some kids there gonna work to get anything from me even if I do just sit on my ass and count my money.


Now If/when I'm rich I'd rather earn the stuff I get, but it will be by building it. yeah I'll still be a dumb hillbilly out in my garage building something that looks really ugly, but I'll enjoy it because I built it.



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Off topic, but what in the fuck makes Crystal worth $450? My poor ass will probably never taste it, so fill me in.





I've had Crystal and Dom Perignon at new years parties, and I can honestly say they are delicious. Imagine the difference between Kamchatka and Belvedere or Ketel One. They both fuck you up, but one tastes better than the other. However, as far as champagne goes, the cheap ones are far more palatable than the cheap vodka, etc. So therefore, I'd say that having had them is more of a status symbol than anything.

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There are two emotions here that you have to separate: jealousy and envy. They're different things, so be careful how you use them. Sure, I am probably envious of people like the Schottensteins, but I do believe that the Schottenstein family falls in the category of "filthy rich," and my impression is that it's relatively old money. So maybe it's okay to feel envy, but jealousy is not really justified and neither is hate.


I always believe in the philosophy of setting yourself up to succeed, regardless of the external factors like inheritence. So even if you get to spend money you might get from rich mom and dad, you know you've always got your own path and you have some self-gratification. It's said that if you're rich, your children are less than likely to work hard and succeed.


I've got friends who put their bar tabs on their credit cards for their parents to pay at the end of the month. Funny thing is, their parents are likely going to donate their inheritances to church and charity to teach them the bigger life lesson. Old money or new money, it all becomes NO money if you're an idiot.

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Champagne/Wine tastes are unique to the person. I have had Dom, Crystal, La Grande Dame, and all of the other high end champagnes. It's all about what you like, not how much it costs. I know this because I taste wines almost daily in my job.


I personally think Dom is horrible. It sucks the moisture from your mouth leaving me wanting a glass of water to sooth the "cotton mouth".


Crystal is not as dry, but I was not impressed enough to ever think about buying a bottle.


What you need to know about Champagne is how dry (or sweet) you like it. The scale, from driest to sweetest is: Extra Brut, Brut, Extra-Dry, Sec, Demi-Sec and Doux.


BTW. The Big Pimpin' Rap artists are buying up all of the Dom Rose. Driving the price upwards of $235 WHOLESALE cost.

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My father is the executive director of a law firm back home in L.A.


My father and mother combined make about $250k/year.


That may not be "rich" by some people's standards, but I used to get an "allowance" of about $1400/mo to fuck off in Toledo doing absolutely nothing other then tanning 7 days a week, playing video games, driving over 100mph to and from Michigan and getting fucked up back in 2003.


Today I don't use their money anymore. I work at a pizza place, and sometimes ask them for some money in an emergency. Sometimes I get some money for a holiday, or some expensive gift cards.


Honestly, I feel like I deserve the money I have now more then the money they gave me then, but I can say that looking back I do wish I had hidden away a good chunk of that "allowance" so that I could be spending it on the one thing my parents refuse to pay for.



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My father is the executive director of a law firm back home in L.A.


My father and mother combined make about $250k/year.


That may not be "rich" by some people's standards, but I used to get an "allowance" of about $1400/mo to fuck off in Toledo doing absolutely nothing other then tanning 7 days a week, playing video games, driving over 100mph to and from Michigan and getting fucked up back in 2003.


Today I don't use their money anymore. I work at a pizza place, and sometimes ask them for some money in an emergency. Sometimes I get some money for a holiday, or some expensive gift cards.


Honestly, I feel like I deserve the money I have now more then the money they gave me then, but I can say that looking back I do wish I had hidden away a good chunk of that "allowance" so that I could be spending it on the one thing my parents refuse to pay for.



I didn't want to give any personal anecdotes because I didn't want to start a flame war, but since you posted something that might start it, I might as well.


I've posted it about 20 trillion times, but my family is wealthy now because all throughout my childhood my parents saved and scrounged. We were a middle class family when I was born, and now because of all that my dad has done for us we're pretty well off.


When I turned 16 my parents gave me $1000 in a checking account, then bought a car for me to use (not a car for me...its used by my sis now). Now I'm in college, with them paying tuition, but I'm still pretty much broke. I've got a lot of money from work etc. in a Vanguard portfolio, but my checking account is down to about $60 bucks right now because no employers in Boston will hire me w/o prior retail experience, and anywhere else I can get a job is too far to commute given my class schedule. I'll be working over the summer at two jobs, but like Kuruma said, I feel good; like I've been actually earning something by working here at school, whether its just their respect or earning all the money I ever spent of theirs.

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All I have to say is can my wife and I come out next time? :lol: Sounds like you guys had a good time. It sounds to me they share the wealth buy paying for the evening. Kudos to them.


I thought Crystal in Cali was $1200 a bottle?


depends some bottles can run that high and more.

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However, as far as champagne goes, the cheap ones are far more palatable than the cheap vodka, etc. So therefore, I'd say that having had them is more of a status symbol than anything.





Absolute vs. that 8$ bottle from K-mart is not a fair comparrison to Martini and Rossi vs. Crystal

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