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Employed Again


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Well I got another job after a short two months of being unemployed, thank god it was not eight months like last time. I am now working for a gov't contractor which is nice around this area being that it's DC and all. I start on the eighth of May and I am happy with the salary they offered me for now. I have another interview tomorrow afternoon and I also went on one Tuesday for a company I was really interested in so we will see what happens with those. Anyway just wanted to update anyone who cared.
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so you JUST accepted a job, and have two more interviews scheduled? What if they offer you a job, wouldnt you feel shallow leaving a job you just started?


*congrats by the way


No I have one more interview to go to tomorrow afternoon which I scheduled before I accepted this job. I wouldn't feel bad personally I am looking out for myself. Neither of the other jobs have an offer on the table and the job I accepted the offer for is a good job and I will like it it just never hurts to get your name out there.

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