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Does an 8 yr old in pillion position affect the "billy badass" persona?


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Now we all know the type of person:

buys a cruiser (harley or otherwise) just for the "billy badass" persona and to act tough and scary. (right:rolleyes:)

I'm out riding towards Kingsville yesterday, and I pulled up to a red light next to this cruiser...

I "glanced" over, (no long stares, no dirty looks, just a glance) and I see a dude I would describe as "white trash".

Sleeveless shirt, dirty, no helmet, aviators...etc and behind him is what appears to be an 8 yr old kid with a chrome half helmet that is way too big:wtf:

So as I look back up at the light, I hear "What the F*ck are you looking at!" from my right side, so I turned my head, flipped my smoke visor up and said "an asshole".

So "bubba" here starts revving the shit out of his air cooled twin...preparing to... race?:eek:

Now anyone who rides through Kingsville knows it's a speed trap, it's a 35 zone and they WILL pull you over for 37, and this guy wants to race me? with his 8yr old on the back? I can't believe this...

Light turns green, he takes off as fast as his v-twin can carry him, and sure enough there is a cop waiting at the school with a radar gun...:nono:

I don't know what his problem was in the first place, but at least he was smart enough to pull over instead of trying to flee, and risk his kid's safety further...

what an ass

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Wow...some people are incredibly dumb.

Yesterday, I saw a guy riding with his kid who was wearing one of those dumb German Nazi style motorcycle helmets. It must have been DOT approved but I can't imagine putting a kid in anything less than a full face helmet. Of course, the father didn't have a helmet on.

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So do you think he actually made it over 35mph, or was the ticket just for the noise?

well, my friend has a shadow, and he can get it up to 100 if he pushes it to the max....

so it was probably doing at least 50 in the 3/4 mile that it took to get to the school from the light...:D

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you know what the most common accessory is for a harley?

a pickup truck.

seriously though, what do you get when you put 32 harley owners in the same room?

a full set of teeth!

ok im done :)

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"Harley Davidson, not a motorcycle as much as it is an amassment of problems that have been chrome plated"

well you know why they chrome everything? so it is easier to find when it falls off :)

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Wow...some people are incredibly dumb.

Yesterday, I saw a guy riding with his kid who was wearing one of those dumb German Nazi style motorcycle helmets. It must have been DOT approved but I can't imagine putting a kid in anything less than a full face helmet. Of course, the father didn't have a helmet on.

They also sell "NOVELTY" helmets. they are NOT DOT approved and say so. But dumd pfuckholes buy them every day cause "they're cool".


Note the "not DOT approved"

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so magley...... did you get pulled over then? or what?

nope, I know better than to speed past that school...

9 times out of 10 there is a kingsville cop with a radar gun just chillin in the school parking lot

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