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Raid 0 Data Recovery, HELP


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OK so my power supply took a dump while windows was booting and now Windows does not boot. I tried to repair windows with the CD but since the array is looking (to windows) that it is unformated, Windows setup will not reconize the array.


I bought a third 160GB SATA HD to load windows on it and try and recover my Pics, Music, and Documents. I can see the array and give it a drive letter in disk management but when you click on it it wants to format it. This is a SATA Raid 0 array. I tried 1 free data recovery program and it didn't work most likely because I do not know what I am doing. All I really want is my Pics and MP3s and I can format and reload windows and use the third drive as a backup once a week so I do not have to go through this again.


What should I do now?

Does anyone know of a really good program or a way to fix the array?


Windows XP SP2

P4 3.00GHZ Prescott

Abit IC7-Max3 Mother Board

512MB Dual channel 333mhz Ram

2 Samsung 80GB SATA HD in a raid 0

1 Samsung 160GB SATA HD

Plextor 716 SATA Dual layer DVD burner

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