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Fox vs. Cat


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Ill start by saying I did not get pics:( sorry.


Driving on an old gravel, country road tonight on the way to the liqour store, I notice a red fox and we stopped to take a look. What we didnt see was a cat about 5 feet away. Anyhow, sitting there watching the fox watch us, and out of nowhere a little black cat jumped out at it. They rolled around for about 10 seconds then split up and stared at each other. The cat once again jumped at the fox and took off sprinting through the field. The fox caught up fast and rolled it then ran up a hay bail. Coolest shit ever, imagine the odds of witnessing this. I have only seen like 4 fox's total, and all were red fox's. We had thought about shooting it, but didnt. Had to take off because a car come up behind us. Once again sorry no pics, just thought I would share.:)

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dude, its a fox, lived its life in the wilderness and a f'n semi domesticated (barn/house)cat is giving it hell? yeah, I'd like to see that rematch. FOX ftw.

Fox FTL. The Fox's only option is running away. Dogs cannot fight cats their own size, and Fo'x aint big. Dogs have one weapon, the mouth. Cats have 5, 4 sets of claws and a mouth. I play rough with dogs, and I dont let dogs give me shit. Our cat on the other hand, ahs managed to draw blood from me when I was wearing elbo high welding gloves.


Cat FTW.

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Yeah dogs = dumb as shit and weak. Cats make your arm look like you were stuck in a meat grinder. I'd much rather fight a 180 LB dog then an 80 LB cat.




I've seen cats chase laser pointers, even shadows around for hours. Yeah they're brilliant.

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Size for size, A cat can tear a dog apart. If there was a fight between, lets say, a mountain lion and german shepard. I'd give the cat the win.


Cats don't eat their own shit either. So that's a plus.

they'll lick other animals shit off of themselves, though.


Cats are not domesticated, they have more wild in them then dogs. Ours chases laser pointers, yes. But he laso knows how to open doors at 2 years old, I'd call him very smart for a quadraped.

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okay Eric, your cat may give a fox an ass whuppin


This kittah, well not so much.


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Yeah dogs = dumb as shit and weak. Cats make your arm look like you were stuck in a meat grinder. I'd much rather fight a 180 LB dog then an 80 LB cat.





Show me an 80lb cat that can move worth a damn... and not a WILD ANIMAL... a ferral cat... a house cat... something like i might find trolling around my apt.

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Show me an 80lb cat that can move worth a damn... and not a WILD ANIMAL... a ferral cat... a house cat... something like i might find trolling around my apt.

Your posts are painfull, jesus god.

People domesticate all kinds of cats, all the way up to siberian tigers. You want to put on of those agains a steroid-fed great dane and see how it works out?

Pound for pound cats win, end of story. If he weren't declawed, I'd wager a significant amount of money that our 18lb cat would humble an 80lb dog in a ring. They're just painfull animals to deal with.


Hell, the guy I bought my Bearded dragon from had a 120 lb Rottweiler that wouldn't go near the 18" lizards because his snout got tail-whipped once.

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Basically the reason cats are better fighters is because dogs are pack hunters. They kill by numbers. They don't need more than there mouth just because they have the numbers in there favor. Cats (minus lions) are solo hunters. They need the extra stuff to get the job done.
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Guest Hal
Yeah dogs = dumb as shit and weak. Cats make your arm look like you were stuck in a meat grinder. I'd much rather fight a 180 LB dog then an 80 LB cat.




Wow, I wouldn't. I've heard of a Brazillian Mastiff taking 6 gunshots to the face after tearing out of a metal cage to maul two intruders. My 30 lb cat (I know not 80) on the other hand, couldn't tear through a paper bag if he was stuck in it.

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Your posts are painfull, jesus god.

People domesticate all kinds of cats, all the way up to siberian tigers. You want to put on of those agains a steroid-fed great dane and see how it works out?


"Siegfried, this is Roy, the whole white tiger thing didn't seem to work out as well as we thought, huh?"

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Guest chpmnsws6
Wow, I wouldn't. I've heard of a Brazillian Mastiff taking 6 gunshots to the face after tearing out of a metal cage to maul two intruders. My 30 lb cat (I know not 80) on the other hand, couldn't tear through a paper bag if he was stuck in it.


Those dogs scare the living shit out of me.

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Some are you guys aren't realizing you're comparing apples to oranges. Yes, a lot of dogs could eat a domesticated house cat. I've had cats turn back dogs 5 times their size, one on one. Dogs just chase whatever runs. Honestly, it makes sense for the cat to run then fight, but when cornered a quick swipe to the nose and the dog whimpers away.


Now what I'd like to see is a dog vs. one of these stupid canadian geese. That'd be sweet to watch.

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