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Fox vs. Cat


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Now what I'd like to see is a dog vs. one of these stupid canadian geese. That'd be sweet to watch.


I get to see that as soon as the baby geese get old enough to run. I work in Dublin and they are all over the place. Anyway, they have a guy that comes out with his dog to chase them away. The dog loves it. It really doesn't work very good, they are normally back the next day, but it is great to watch.

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The hypotheticals are funny.. But any domesticated cat would get killed, literally, by a powerful angry dog of any significant size. This has been discussed here before.. But I'm sure a cat could scare off a nice 80lb dog that really wasn't out to kill it. My shephard mix who is about ~80lb and a little nutty when it comes to other animals would rip any domesticated cat to shreds. It'd take a lot more than a slice to the nose to stop her.
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I tried to get my room mates beagle to chase away the geese, but some of those bastards are protective. She got knocked down once by one and won't go near them unless they run.


I do agree though, if the dog was pissed it would eat a cat easily, just commenting on something I've seen happen. I was damn impressed, then again like you said, they were just chasing because it ran.

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the thing I'm finding humoris is the cat lovers are all taking about how they would rather take on a large dog than a large cat.... if we're talking about a cheatah or a lion then you're screwed either way, but heck, a large dog doesn't need it's claws (and yes, they can use them... I've gotten torn up by dog claws) to fight against animals... a dog's shere strength if it jumps on you, you're screwed... heck, the cat would be screwed also... the only thing that the cat has in it's favor is that they are smarter and they are fighting for their lives typically against a dog... thus why the dog runs... dogs are stupid and are just toying with the cat... if the cat scratches it, the dog goes, "damn, that hurt... I won't mess with it anymore" but if the dog was fighting for it's life, the cat would be toast... end of story...


take a rot whiler and put it against Eric's cat... the cat would loose... those dogs are fast and strong... plus they can take a beating... one of my buddy's has 2 of them and I'll tell you what, that thing scared the daylights out of me... he had me put him in a choke hold to see what the dogs would do and I thought i was going to die, I've never jumped a fence that fast in my life.


intelligence: cat > dog


fighting ability: dog > cat

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People, please learn before posting. Or listen to Eric. Anecdotal "I met a scary dog" stories don't mean anything. If all you can think of are your 15lb tabbies as personal reference then you don't have enough personal experience to weigh in on the topic. So go read up first.


lb for lb a cat will kill a dog. Every time. End of story. Proven in pit fights time and again until those things became illegal. Cat reflexes are faster, their jaw strength is higher, their leg strength is higher, claws, their muscle fiber density and bone density are both higher. The 15lb cat vs 80lb dog thing is not what the "cat lovers" are saying. They're saying lb for lb.


You don't have to beleive it, you don't have to like it either. Put an 80lb mad angry mean trained Rot up against an 80lb feline and it will die. Period.


Old conclusion, proven long before any of us were even alive.

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The 15lb cat vs 80lb dog thing is not what the "cat lovers" are saying. They're saying lb for lb.


If he weren't declawed, I'd wager a significant amount of money that our 18lb cat would humble an 80lb dog in a ring. They're just painfull animals to deal with.


It's like the hp per liter argument.. just cat owners way of convincing themselves that cats aren't :marc2:.. as far as I know there aren't too many people around here w/ tigers for pets. But IF their cat WAS the size of a tiger, look out! :)

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Sam, come to our home and play with outr cat. Corner him, bring an 18lb dog to defend you. ;)

I'm actualy not a cat person. When I pick a pet, it had better be damn nice to me, or cool as hell. Luckily, this Mau/Serval mix is cool as hell. He's the only cat I've ever respected. But there is simply no argument here. I like dogs, I want a German Shepard. But the cat is just a better fighter.


You don't have to beleive it, you don't have to like it either. Put an 80lb mad angry mean trained Rot up against an 80lb feline and it will die. Period.

I think we need to make some destinctions here. First and foremost, the word "Healthy". Pound for pound a healthy Feline with kill a healthy Canine

This ~20lb cat will not fight or chase anything, Its a lapcat, a prey Animal.

This ~20lb cat has no less then a 6 foot vertical leap and 1/2 long rear claws. That force applied through those claws to a throat will inflict terminal injury.


This 80lb healthy feline will kill any 80lb healthy Cananine you present it with.


Where's the vid of the pack of Hyenas getting owned hardcore by a single Male Lion?

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thats exactly what i was talking about... you say cat, i picture fluffy. You say Lynx, Leapord, Lion, Jaguar, Tiger... those are wild animals... born in captivity and rasied in a suburban houshold or not... it has inate behavior and primal instincts that no "fluffy" has.


No 80lb "fluffy" is going to kick ass at anything but eating a bowl of meow mix.

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Guest Hal
Brazilian mastiffs are trained to hunt and kill Cougars and Mountain lions. Large cat vs large dog, dog wins. Just for the sake of argument there. Those types of dogs actually box and use overpowering strength to kill their prey. I know they are very strong from experience, I am a competitive weight lifter and my friend's brazilian mastiff knocks me over without even trying.
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it has inate behavior and primal instincts that every "fluffy" has


Cats were never domesticated as dogs were. Cats poop in a box and eat froma bag. They dont sit, they dont stay, they dont respond to commands. They hunt and kill prey if you let them outside. They may be pussies, but they're still wild in their own minds....accept the realy fat imobile ones. :p

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Brazilian mastiffs are trained to hunt and kill Cougars and Mountain lions.

Thats a 200lb Dog against a 100-150lb cat. Chances are you bought a story. No dogs hunt and kill arboreal animals. Coon hounds dont climb trees and eat raccoons, they hunt, chase, and tree them, then they get shot. Thats how you hunt jungle cats.

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Guest Hal
Hmm, odd. I'm getting conflicting info on the origins. Some sources say the breed is meant to hunt and kill, others say it is meant to track and then hold the prey at bay until the hunter arrives. Either way, impressive animal. Like I said earlier though, info just for the sake of argument :)
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Sam, come to our home and play with outr cat. Corner him, bring an 18lb dog to defend you. ;)


I don't have an 18lb dog, that'd be as fruity as having a cat. ;).. I'm not arguing an 18 lb cat vs an 18lb dog, maybe there are some tough little dogs out there? I know how tough cats can be. I was just willing to accept your offer of your cat vs my 80 lb dog..

Oh but I don't hate cats by any means, just definitely not for me. And I would never sick Crazy Haze on anything, let alone a little cat.

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Brazilian mastiffs are trained to hunt and kill Cougars and Mountain lions.


Same thing, ha ha, sorry. I'm just being a smart ass.


That dog is crazy though.


"You cannot socialize a Fila to like people. You can obedience train them so that you are in control, but you cannot socialize them to like people. A Fila WILL attack a stranger. Period. If they have the proper temperament, they WILL. "Ojeriza" translates to "Hatred and loathing of strangers". You do not make them mean and vicious... they ARE... and there is no doubt about it


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Equal size Large cat vs large dog, cat wins.



As for the Brazillian mochachino latte decaf Mastiff killing even a cat 100lbs its lighter, please show me one piece of evidence confirming that. And by evidence I don't mean the guy that owns one in his suburban america home or the dude that sells the things...


But in any event,


200lb this



meets a 200lb this



And Fido is



(Yeah most cougars don't reach 200lbs, but some do. The record holder is a male at 233lbs.)


Anyway, take 10 minutes and use the internet. Really. You'll find all you need on the outcome when dogs were made to fight cats.


Google pitfight, cat, dog, turn of the century

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Lion vs Hyenas


Even fight while the hyenas outgang the lionesses. Wait til the end when the male lion returns. The single male lion...


Hyenas have the highest jaw strength in the animal kingdom, btw. But they weigh about what your Brazillion Mastiff does. Watch what good being the same size with more powerful jaws gets em...


(BTW- Hyenas are closer relation to cats than canines, but its still fun to watch the Hyenas getting their junk tore up).


So have we all learned our biography lesson for today?

- Dog vs cat, equal weight - dog loses

- Dog vs cat, dog outweighs cat 3x - cat loses

- Top animal kingdom cat (tiger at 600lbs) vs top animal kingdom dog (timber wolf at 250lbs) - dog shredded (doesn't count hybrid cats like the 1250lb ligers)


Or are there any remaining dumbasses left that need to be held back and put on the short bus?

"Dunt pay no tenshun ta dem, Cleetus, muh dawg iz maeen. Kats r fer city folk. Lets go take our ferty pound hound out n hunt us some ten pound kittahs, since our willies are small."

"Mmkay, Clem. Just dunt ask'n me ta play Deeliveranze whens we git out inna woods."

"Ah shuckz."

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I'm not usually making bold statements, but if you ran from a Rot then you gave it exactly what it wanted (a chase). If you show any sign of fear or weakness a dog will attack. In 99% of cases its as nervous about the fight as you are and its instincts tell it to bark and get all crazy acting. This is done to hopefully make you think twice about attacking it. Now at this time if you turn and walk/run away then it will gain the upper hand and probably chase (for play) or attack. Thats how most stupid people and children get bit by dogs. Theres a good reason we are there masters.


I just love when I see some 30 year old man standing in my yard worried that my neighbors beagle is gonna kill him. Usually there backing up and about to turn and run at the site of it. It this hillbillies day.



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Lion vs Hyenas


Even fight while the hyenas outgang the lionesses. Wait til the end when the male lion returns. The single male lion...


Hyenas have the highest jaw strength in the animal kingdom, btw. But they weigh about what your Brazillion Mastiff does. Watch what good being the same size with more powerful jaws gets em...


(BTW- Hyenas are closer relation to cats than canines, but its still fun to watch the Hyenas getting their junk tore up).


So have we all learned our biography lesson for today?

- Dog vs cat, equal weight - dog loses

- Dog vs cat, dog outweighs cat 3x - cat loses

- Top animal kingdom cat (tiger at 600lbs) vs top animal kingdom dog (timber wolf at 250lbs) - dog shredded (doesn't count hybrid cats like the 1250lb ligers)


Or are there any remaining dumbasses left that need to be held back and put on the short bus?

"Dunt pay no tenshun ta dem, Cleetus, muh dawg iz maeen. Kats r fer city folk. Lets go take our ferty pound hound out n hunt us some ten pound kittahs, since our willies are small."

"Mmkay, Clem. Just dunt ask'n me ta play Deeliveranze whens we git out inna woods."

"Ah shuckz."


Again, for the sake of argument and because I have nothing better to do (put me on the short bus I think that might be a nice change). There also are a lot more variables than any of us are considering in this argument that could change the results of cat vs dog. It really all depends on the situation.


male hyena avg. weight: 123-138 lb.

male lion avg. weight: 350-400 lb.


anyway, I'm done with this one...it has served it's purpose and amused me enough for the night.

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It doesn't really all depend on the situation. There's no magic variables except disbelief. It doesn't get any easier than X lb cat vs X lb dog, dog loses. And I can say that (and have now what 4 times?) because it was proven over and over again by your friendly neighborhood pit fighters who used to do such matches until the Man cracked down on their fun, but not before the dog owners quit pitting their hard worked champs up to lose em (literally) every time. And they weren't putting 80lb dogs up against 15lb cats. They *thought* they were staging *fair* fights by weight. It wasn't, and didn't last long. The cats were taken out of the circuits ,being considered *ringers*, nobody'd bet against them, so the venues changed. Dogs later did better fighting bears, in packs.


The hyenas don't have anything to do with anything, they're extra sauce, there for entertainment because Eric asked for the link.


More hyena trivia (hyenas are some fucked up creatures:

Sexual dimorphism is very prominent in the spotted hyena, with the females considerably larger than the males. Average weight for males is 100 lb, but females reach over 150 lb in southern Africa. Females are masculinized due to the excess testosterone in their bodies; they have more testosterone in their bodies than most male hyenas. As a result of this masculinization, females are a third to half larger than the males, have more muscle mass, are more aggressive, and have masculinized genetalia.

Sounds like a Grovetucky woman. Ick.


BTW- Cats are now more popular pets in the US (in terms of households) than dogs. And their average weight has been going up for the past couple decades. One thing to thank, new breeds. The relatively new breed of domestic savannah cats for example are becoming more and more common and easier to come by. There are several vendors in Ohio alone. (None reputable, imo, though) Savannah F1-F3 males weigh in at 35-40lbs or more. They're getting common enough some of you are going to have to revise your definition of domestic feline, since the females breed like weeds (the males don't) and their blood is going to mix thru the cat pet population for now on. Some vets are saying the entire domestic population could move upward 10-15lbs across the board. Thats not just the savannahs. And it doesn't include the breeds that show hybrid vigor (resulting in gigantism) like ligers displayed. Savannah/safari cross male F2s hit 50-65lbs. And they still eat Purina cat chow and shit in a box where you told em. ...and would easily open a 50-80lb dog to get to the soft creamy filling.


Good ones (well bred savannahs) are still hard to come by though. I'm on the waiting list for an F2 male from Illinois. Can't wait. Here's his dad:


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