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48 people signed up, 23 paid by the extended date of May 5th. There was a non-refundable fee if we didn't cancel by the 5th. I didn't make the decision nor have a part in it.


The event was stickied, announced, and TTT'd several times in the recent weeks, and promoted before then. People were playing the "I dunno" game, and those that signed up suffered. Don't sign up if you're not gonna go or not 100% sure. Due to this, next year's event will be pay at registration.


The fall event is being hosted by CR, as a junction event with COFBA.

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Yeah it sucked that we had to cancel the event. It should be mentioned though that last year we took it in the shorts when those who signed up did not show up and / or pay. That is why we had to do it this way this time. Hopefully we can put it back together in the Spring. I know I was really looking forward to it!
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the pay date snuck up on me.. but i have no excuses.. wasnt paying attention, not like my part would have saved it or anything... I SUCK :p


I think this is the story for most everyone involved. Not a lack of interest just used to paying at the gate and the question about whether it was going to happen or not.

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I think this is the story for most everyone involved. Not a lack of interest just used to paying at the gate and the question about whether it was going to happen or not.


sam andrew and i all planned on going and none of us paid that now = 4. i also know sonny and a few other bike guy were planning on attending.

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It's not like it hasn't been posted anywhere...


After COFBA got burnt last fall, if we didn't have at least 60 paid people, we had to call it off. I've heard from so many people that they were waiting to see if it would happen before they would sign up and pay. By doing that, it pretty much killed the event for everyone.


We had to let Norwalk know 1 week before if we were going to show or not. If we cancelled 1 - 6 days before the event, COFBA would have been charged a cancellation fee.


Hopefully the fall CR rental will go better, so start recruiting people now!!!

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Again, people will pay up front when they register. This will prevent everyone from getting burned again.


This Friday, some COFBA people are attending MCIR. I'd love to hit it with the Formula, but it's still way untuned and I have yet to go WOT or anything over 50% throttle/4k RPMs. But from what it does do now, hehe :grin2:

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Is trails having the 'friday night street fights' thing this friday? I just got their calendar in the mail yesterday, but it doesn't show anything for this friday. Maybe they are prepping the track for Nationals the following weekend?



a buddy told me there was no race this friday just for the reason u said prepping

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