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Looking for Volunteers for Spotters (Rally)


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Spotters... are they the ones I see on Speed Channel who stand alongside the curves and go running for cover every time a Subaru fishtails and flips over, then run over and help tip it right-side up?
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Hey guys i am looking for 3-5 volunteers for spotters for a rally that i am organizing for May 27th. Can anyone come and give a hand?

'splain thyself.


whatch u talkin about willis?


what kind of rally?

where at?

...lots o questions...

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lol. It is a Time Distance Rally. It is done by accurate time taken. The course will be spread around columbus i will need spotters to stand on a corner like a prositute, cept with a stop watch and note pad. Recording times of cars going by that are in the race. It will be at desinated check points. This will be for people who may not know the area and may ask for assistance. for the volunteers I will prolly have a small party later on or at another date.
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