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wednesday afternoon 5/23


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i know you guys do bike night tonight, but i should be free this afternoon around 2 until about 8 when i gotta go to work...

if anyone wants to go for a little ride around town or something, let me know.

i live in german village, but i wouldnt be adverse to meeting anywhere really...

post here, ill be checking it throughout the day, or you can email me at jrogers2@tmail.com.

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I didn't think that I would have time to get back on here - But no ones has called and the other isn't responding to the email he said he'd be checking throughout the day.

Whelp I'm going to ride anyways -0

Weather is still going to be nice - a FEW POP up showing, said it would come down Quick and leave as fast as they came in. But only 5% of Franklin County or Central Ohio will get any rain at all. Did the THUNDER SCARE EVERYONE away? Cumm'on - Let's Ride -

I won't melt, but Sugar will get EVERYWHERE if I get rained on or WET!!! - :(

TTYS? - Skipdalocksmith aka SKIP

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met up with gregg at taco bell, got rained on, rode up to delaware, came back and met up with skip and his buddy at taco bell, i hung out for a few, then left them there and i came home... i gotta work tonight anyway :-\ my bike was acting kind of funny too... twice i turned it off and it wouldnt start again... eventually got it going both times though, although the second time, i didnt think it was going to go... i think i got a short in the system somewhere... gotta break out the old multimeter.

i had to leave it running while we talked to skip and his buddy at taco bell, i didnt wanna have to push it home lol.

weird thing is, once i got home, i turned it off, then tried to start it and it fired right up... weird... i think the clutch switch is going bad. but i digress.

i had fun (other than getting rained on) and it was cool to meet up with you guys. maybe next time i wont have to work and can stay out later :)

oh yeah, skip, i tried to send you an email back from my phone like 5 minutes after you sent me yours...

my apologies if you didnt get it... sometimes my phone is kind of wonky.

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