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water powerd car

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I wonder how powerful it is though... will that motor make enough power to take the place of gasoline... and if it does... will it replace gasoline? as well as what will it do to the price of water?
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I wonder how powerful it is though... will that motor make enough power to take the place of gasoline... and if it does... will it replace gasoline? as well as what will it do to the price of water?


Hyrdogen is about 130 octane...it can make some power.


Water is renewable, and the refining is alot cheaper than ethanol.

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I give you the rebuttal from the Land-of-people-Who-Understand-Thermodynamics (charter member since '86):

"It seems like every 15 years or so some guy comes along and claims to have come up with a way to turn water into clean burning fuel. (Remember the "Bodine Gasoline" pill from the Beverly Hillbillies?) The thing is, any elementary school student can turn water into hydrogen and oxygen, which burns very nicely, turning back into water when it burns. But I have yet to hear of anyone who has come up with a way to turn water into hydrogen and oxygen without using more energy than you produce. If you had an electrolysis machine that produced more energy than it consumed, you could plug it into itself and have yourself a perpetual motion machine."

The perpetual motion aspect is the part that is impossible. Perpetual motion machines are the slang term given to engines or devices that try to get energy for free (even if motion is not involved). always remember to consider the very basic tenant in physics/chemistry that free energy never is. It has to come from somewhere. Even gasoline took way more energy to make than it gives back in combustion (considering the amount of energy input by the sun/earth/biosphere to form crude oil). Stored energy has to be put there by some action involving more energy itself, wether its the energy in an unstable plutonium atom, or the energy in a spinning inertia wheel, or the energy in a gallon of gas or rocket fuel, its all stored energy. And thats an immutable unbreakable law of physics.


Or give up on trying to trade energy for energy and destroy matter to get energy where none existed before: thats fusion and fission. But there are alot of problems with those as energy strategies, portability not the least of which.


However this is an interesting technology if you look at it from this angle: Centralize the hydrolysis process so you can get economies of scale, and run if off of some renewable energy source like nuclear or solar or hydrothermal. Then distribute the HHO gas (which is what the engine is runing off of anyway) just like you distribute petrol today. And our mode of energy distribution is familiar but also better. Clean burning (literally), never ending, and controllable by US.

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As a sience expirment you can make hydrogen thats all hes doing.


Take a GLASS of Tap water.


take a 9v batter (Bigger V = better result)

puut 2 leeds in the water not touching. that will form around them is little hydrogen bubbles you can cpature these via a test tube and ignight the test tubes top giving a awesome flame.


This is not perputal motion its using Electric to split the molucules.

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If you use distilled water with baking soda in it you will get a better result, also using copper and steel as conductors will allow you to capture both the Hs and the O (H20). Now, use solar/wind power to generate the DC to create the electricity and WHAMO, you have a clean/green source. The overall carbon footprint decreases quite a bit with this technology.


On the submarine (we had unlimited power via the reactor) we "made" oxygen to breath using this same system and burnt off the H2 as a by-catch. Distilled water (it doesn't conduct electricity well) a little Koh (for conduction) and useing spectrometry we captured the O and H. done and done.

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He is making an ionized gas from water... which is new. What they don't say is that it will take ALOT of electricity for the electrolosis step to produce the HHO.


Guess how you get most of your electricity? Fossil fuels.... :rolleyes:


Still cool, though.

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aww that was my idea.

i haven't put one on a car yet, but i did mad a small bottle that made the HHO, lots of fun just having a consistant flame form it,


I was thinking that they could combine the technoligy form a hybrid car and use it the idea of the HHO, such as the thransmission that generates large amounts of electicty when you step on the breaks. combine that with your regular alternator power, and thare you go.




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