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Anyone see the Rx-7 pinks


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Is it just me or does anybody else think the Pinks host is God awful? And the H6... Yeah.. LETS RACE



if you watch the first few episoed the host had no idea what was going on.


i liked the next episode with the bully dog truck after the last race you can hear the truck knocking like a mother fucker.

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Yeah Hot Rod said his last job was working behind the scenes on Days of Our Lives or some such soap opera. He's just a guy that got lucky on someone elses idea. The guy at the finish line is his brother and the announcer is his cousin.
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Yeah Hot Rod said his last job was working behind the scenes on Days of Our Lives or some such soap opera. He's just a guy that got lucky on someone elses idea. The guy at the finish line is his brother and the announcer is his cousin.


well if you watch the credits, i'm pretty sure the producer, or director, or some high-end person has the same name as him...so i think it's their show, probably how he got on.


anyways, that show is such a joke...i like how they now have his "tech" buddies to help the "negotiations". that one jerk-off that was on the show earlier from Maryland or whatever that looks like Jason from the RX7 Store and i dunno who the other jerk is...but man.



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well if you watch the credits, i'm pretty sure the producer, or director, or some high-end person has the same name as him...so i think it's their show, probably how he got on.


anyways, that show is such a joke...i like how they now have his "tech" buddies to help the "negotiations". that one jerk-off that was on the show earlier from Maryland or whatever that looks like Jason from the RX7 Store and i dunno who the other jerk is...but man.



Well when you don't know shit about cars, it's hard to help setup a race by yourself. So you need a back-up crew that is into organic foods and cars like you are.

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well if you watch the credits, i'm pretty sure the producer, or director, or some high-end person has the same name as him...so i think it's their show, probably how he got on.


anyways, that show is such a joke...i like how they now have his "tech" buddies to help the "negotiations". that one jerk-off that was on the show earlier from Maryland or whatever that looks like Jason from the RX7 Store and i dunno who the other jerk is...but man.



The one guy was on the show twice; lost his bike in one race, and almost lost his Mustang in another race (ended up everyone agreed to a "draw").


The guy w/ the chin hair was on the first season with the Wolly Mammoth, and won that episode (he owns his own shop), and seems far more knowledgable than the other guy.


IMO the show is interesting, and you get to see some creative things going on by different teams. The sandbagging is getting pretty bad now. The imports have done an impressive job of being pretty pathetic on the show. I feel they need to start getting a bit more selective on what cars they allow to run.

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If they did it without the lose your ride part maybe the sandbagging would stop. Like the guy with the white Camaro that whispers to his buddy that he didn't even use the second stage. They need to run all out and I'd like to see some clocks, even if they don't use them for the racers. just to see at home what they're running.
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