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This subject was started over at http://www.columbusdsm.com and I wanted it to share to all of you and get a little disscussion going. I want to know everyone's feelings on this. I myself can't stand PETA and wish they would all die in a car fire. I totaly understand there logic on some things but some things they think are just plain stupid. I have a video to check out....


1st video http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/video.asp?video=meet_your_meat&Player=wm&speed=_med


Now the response for the video is seen here...


The Response http://media.putfile.com/petaBS





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look for PETA on facebook and all you'll find are groups called "PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals"



PETA is retarded for the sole reason of extremism. Just like Al Queda is a crazy bunch of fundamentalists who refuse to accept anything other than their translation of the Qu'ran as the sole truth of Allah's message to us mortals, PETA refuses to accept the idea that we as humans are biologically omnivorous (incisors, canines, etc. for cutting and tearing flesh, molars for grinding and chewing plants) because they believe that every damn thing that casts a shadow has feelings. Most rational people can understand that nature is inherently violent and to think that absolute natural harmony without death and the food chain is completely retarded. In his anti-PETA article, the oh so famous Maddox wisely points out that thousands upon thousands of rodents and insects are ground up in the harvesting combines on wheat and corn farms daily. Insecticides exterminate millions of insects, and though PETA claims that if all the cow-grazing area were used to farm, worldwide famine would end, they fail to realize that agriculture is not as simple as allocating land to eternally produce an endless supply of good wholesome bread to feed hungry mouths across the world.


PETA is simply a group of individuals whose honest ideal has been bastardized and given a bad name by extremists who have problems with anything less than absolute coherence instead of compromise.

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I watched the video and the my dumb hillbilly brain thought. How nice and effiencent they are at getting chicken tenders and hamburgers to my plate. I don't see any point in threating them any better if they are just gonna be eaten anyway.


chicken meat rules.


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PETA is retarded for the sole reason of extremism. Just like Al Queda is a crazy bunch of fundamentalists who refuse to accept anything other than their translation of the Qu'ran as the sole truth of Allah's message to us mortals, PETA refuses to accept the idea that we as humans are biologically omnivorous (incisors, canines, etc. for cutting and tearing flesh, molars for grinding and chewing plants) because they believe that every damn thing that casts a shadow has feelings. Most rational people can understand that nature is inherently violent and to think that absolute natural harmony without death and the food chain is completely retarded. In his anti-PETA article, the oh so famous Maddox wisely points out that thousands upon thousands of rodents and insects are ground up in the harvesting combines on wheat and corn farms daily. Insecticides exterminate millions of insects, and though PETA claims that if all the cow-grazing area were used to farm, worldwide famine would end, they fail to realize that agriculture is not as simple as allocating land to eternally produce an endless supply of good wholesome bread to feed hungry mouths across the world.


PETA is simply a group of individuals whose honest ideal has been bastardized and given a bad name by extremists who have problems with anything less than absolute coherence instead of compromise.


Excellent post. Seriously. :cool:

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look for PETA on facebook and all you'll find are groups called "PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals"



PETA is retarded for the sole reason of extremism. Just like Al Queda is a crazy bunch of fundamentalists who refuse to accept anything other than their translation of the Qu'ran as the sole truth of Allah's message to us mortals, PETA refuses to accept the idea that we as humans are biologically omnivorous (incisors, canines, etc. for cutting and tearing flesh, molars for grinding and chewing plants) because they believe that every damn thing that casts a shadow has feelings. Most rational people can understand that nature is inherently violent and to think that absolute natural harmony without death and the food chain is completely retarded. In his anti-PETA article, the oh so famous Maddox wisely points out that thousands upon thousands of rodents and insects are ground up in the harvesting combines on wheat and corn farms daily. Insecticides exterminate millions of insects, and though PETA claims that if all the cow-grazing area were used to farm, worldwide famine would end, they fail to realize that agriculture is not as simple as allocating land to eternally produce an endless supply of good wholesome bread to feed hungry mouths across the world.


PETA is simply a group of individuals whose honest ideal has been bastardized and given a bad name by extremists who have problems with anything less than absolute coherence instead of compromise.


I give you an A as well. Very well written.

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look for PETA on facebook and all you'll find are groups called "PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals"



PETA is retarded for the sole reason of extremism. Just like Al Queda is a crazy bunch of fundamentalists who refuse to accept anything other than their translation of the Qu'ran as the sole truth of Allah's message to us mortals, PETA refuses to accept the idea that we as humans are biologically omnivorous (incisors, canines, etc. for cutting and tearing flesh, molars for grinding and chewing plants) because they believe that every damn thing that casts a shadow has feelings. Most rational people can understand that nature is inherently violent and to think that absolute natural harmony without death and the food chain is completely retarded. In his anti-PETA article, the oh so famous Maddox wisely points out that thousands upon thousands of rodents and insects are ground up in the harvesting combines on wheat and corn farms daily. Insecticides exterminate millions of insects, and though PETA claims that if all the cow-grazing area were used to farm, worldwide famine would end, they fail to realize that agriculture is not as simple as allocating land to eternally produce an endless supply of good wholesome bread to feed hungry mouths across the world.


PETA is simply a group of individuals whose honest ideal has been bastardized and given a bad name by extremists who have problems with anything less than absolute coherence instead of compromise.


I agree, as well. I'm all for nature and animals. Hell, when I was younger there was an accident with a motorcycler and a dog. I went to the dog first. (In my defense, it was the motorcyclers fault.) But many of these people are extremist and seem to lack a firm grasp on reality or common sense. Too much of anything is just that; too much.

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PETA, in my opinion, either bitch because they know that what they claim to want is impossible or, they have never truly considered the massive consequences that their desires would inflict on the worlds population, basically wiping out the human race.


A couple examples


Deer hunting, deer especially in Ohio and the surrounding states have no natural predators, if they were not hunted in a regulated fashion, they would begin to overpopulate the area, becoming a major risk to automobile traffic, and at some point to themselves and other grazing animals, including man when the begin to strip corn and bean fields to eat. At some point they could reach numbers that would cause them to run out of food and starve, because of course, in the eyes of PETA we can not interfere with nature, in any fashion, that would include feeding the deer not that we would have anything to feed them because they would be at the point that they would be consuming food crops that were planted for human consumption.


Speaking of farming, dairies would be a think of the past too, cows would roam the open fields, eating as the deer eat, competing for the same food. We would loose the ability to make simple staples of life, including bread, cheese and the major source of protein, meat. All cows, pigs, chickens, horses, goats and other farm animals would be free ranging, adding adding to the direct consumption of food crops, becoming hazards on the roadways and multiplying at will.


The other consideration that is never mentioned, in addition to the fact that all the humans would starve, and before you mention that all of these food stuffs have replacements, consider that the ability for humans to manufacture those replacements is both very costly and the amounts that we can produce are very small with regards to actual need. The first humans to go would be in the poorest counties, the ones that rely on egg's and milk and bread as their only food sources. The 'evil Americans' who have the ability to manufacture synthetic forms of milk and egg protein would need all of the manufactured resource to feed its own population.


Taking the starvation issue out of the equation, consider that every road would either need a fence on both sides or traffic would need to be slowed to a crawl for safety reasons of cows, horses and other animals crossing the roadways at will. Road crews would need to be hired specifically to remove animal remains and fecal matter from roadways for both safety and hygienic reasons. If some of the PETA extremists were to have their ideas enacted, the legal system would be ground to a halt by civil suites filed in the name of animals hit by cars, shot while attacking humans, and any other reason that man had a hand in. Not to mention the suites filed against major corporations that were in the food processing (meat packing and dairy) business.


With none of this being remotely possible, it opens up avenues for extremist thinking and views that could never be fulfilled, and thus can not be made to simply go away with a bit of money and effort. Of course this is the basis for extremist behavior. Very few if any extremist views or ideas, can be made reality for various reasons, most of them having to do with the preservation of the human race, or just reasonable and rational thinking. Since this seems to be the case, these views, no matter how outlandish, irrational, improbable, or blatantly genocidal they might be, they will stand because there are always going to be those sheep that will listen, consider and preach the half truths, without considering the outcome of what would happen if.......

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