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Calling all firemen?


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I just got a letter that I was approved to take the firemen's exam. I test June 27th.


Is there anyone on here that has taken this test, maybe some helpful hints. How hard is the physical exam? What kind of physical shape should you be in?


I do work out every other night at the YMCA for about 45 minutes or so. I've been trying to get into better shape. I'd just like some opinions of being a firemen or people who have been in the same situation. Also, what kind of salary do firemen make? I've heard the first year you make around 40k. What do you top out at?

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My dad is a lieutenant with the columbus fire department, I don't know anything about the test, I think it is called a civil service test. I don't think that the physical is that challenging, I know that you have to be able to lift a percent of your body weight and stuff like that, I can ask him if you would want me to, just let me know, I am planning on becoming a fireman after I graduate college, I think now with around 22 years on the dept. my dad makes around 65k (not excactly sure just a rough estimate). I hope this helps, and if you would want me to get specifics on the tests just let me know and I will ask him
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I just got a letter that I was approved to take the firemen's exam. I test June 27th.


Is there anyone on here that has taken this test, maybe some helpful hints. How hard is the physical exam? What kind of physical shape should you be in?


I do work out every other night at the YMCA for about 45 minutes or so. I've been trying to get into better shape. I'd just like some opinions of being a firemen or people who have been in the same situation. Also, what kind of salary do firemen make? I've heard the first year you make around 40k. What do you top out at?



I've never taken CFD's civil service test, however, I have taken others. Most of them are pretty standardized. You should be able to pick up a practice book/guide to help you take and pass civil service exams.


The physical exams arent really that difficult, theres just a lot of competition, that's what makes it difficult. Theres a few agility and strength tests/assessments one must pass.



I went through a fire academy right after i graduated high school, which certified me as a firefighter. My training wouldnt do me any good if i applied at Columbus, since they train you the way they want.



Being a fireman is awesome(keep in mind, i'm not hired anywhere as a firefighter, but i've had training) you only work 10 days a month. sometimes less with vacation and kelly days.



Currently, Columbus' top out pay is $53,456. I think that's after 6-8 years. You could have another full time job if need be. Keep in mind, you only work 10 days a month.


if you have anymore questions, pm me.

Good luck to you

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Yea its great b/c it is 1 day on and 2 days off so my dad is home a lot if I need help fixing my car and stuff


Also I think that there is a flexibility test(not absolutely sure) but I know that my dad usually stretches every once in a while before a physical(I know for a fast that the flexibility test cannot be hard at all because my dad can barely touch his toes)

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