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Friday the 9th


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Matt and I saw you race Jesse, nice race. Been along time since I've seen two things with wheels move in a competitive fashion.



Did you see the first or the second race? Or both? The first race I launched in third gear. The second race I launched in second gear. The second race was MUCH better. I let out around 100 each time. I figured it was pointless to keep going.

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Ok, I did find the right place last night. Man, I must've got there just after everyone left. I still had a race last night, too! Course, it was against a loaded Saturn with exhaust. lol Anyone have plans for tonight?
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i still love you. don't hang yourself.


ps: when are we drinking? tonight?


Spice/Sugar - anytime you want. :cool:


My self-imposed exile has ended.


Date of last WOT pull: 7-06-05

Date of next WOT pull: VERY, VERY SOON


Severe ownage to follow




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Going 70 east saw a evo and a turbo 300z same one at the spot,the z pulled up beside me sounded his bov a few times and we did a impromptu 45 roll I put about a length by about 90 ish.peace.


I invited those guys out. I work regularly with the passenger in the 300z and the guy who owns the 300z is his roomate. He's actually on here but doesn't post very often. The guy in the Evo made it sound like he goes out East sometimes, so you'll probably see them out sometime again.


That's a pretty impressive kill! Quick rundown on that car: Upgraded turbos, injectors, cams, some forged internals. It's got CCW's too, I know they don't do a lot, but those rims are fucking pimp! :woowoo: I’m actually pretty surprised by that. I mean I know your car is fast, but I just assumed his car would have had more in it. It makes me really wish I would have asked him what turbos he has, I just forgot that night. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that car has more (potential?) in it…


Can't wait to see you guys out (Jon and Mike) with your cars, get those beast done! Mike, you know if you need any help to just call me! Let me know when you are going to be doing some tunning, I should have a new toy that might help.


The first roll on with me and Ben was from a pretty decent speed. Can't remember exactly what, maybe 60ish. I kept up ok because of the aero helping me. Second was from much slower, sub 40. As would be expected, I got whomped on. It wasn't a great speed for me either I was a 'little' low in second and way to high for first. 40 is a great speed for me in second. I need a chip or exhaust/intake and think I'd keep up from a higher roll.


DJ's car is obviously quicker than mine (I think). I'd like to do some different pulls to see how much really, we just got to play around a bit. There was some traffic in front of us so we didn't get a good run in. I think he'll get me no matter what and as the speeds increase he will get me by more because of my cars gearing and I think he's probably got better aero (and more power). I'm sure we'll get some clean runs in before he starts moding it, we hang out enough that shouldn't be an issue.


I need a camera in my car and I wouldn't have to explain any of this, I could be much lazier. :D

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