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bad credit loans


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How is it can get a loan for a car or anything to rebuild my credit. I read the thread about credit before i am just stuck. i went threw a divoroce caused my credit to go quite shitty. I've been paying things off as i can .
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Pay things off, that's the first step. After everything is paid off, it really just takes time. Things that can help you: If you don't already have a CC of some sort, get a secured CC, like through a bank or credit union. You'll have to put down a security deposit, and whatever you put down is your "limit".


Also, car loans, or anything with installment payments can help 'build' your score up, but ultimately it just takes time for things to fall off. Also, try and keep your credit utilization under 33%. That means if you have a $10k limit on a CC, don't charge more than $3300/month very often.


Creditors want to see good payment history, so paying things that are past due, and keeping things current are very important. Try getting like a store CC or a gas card. Most store CC's offer 0% for a certain time, split the amount up over that period and pay each month, this shows you can keep track and do so on time.


good luck man, my wife went through the same thing a few years ago, we're still dealing with stupid shit from it, but she has a car loan in her name at a very good rate now, and her secured CC changes over to a regular CC here shortly, it does after one year of good standing.

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Guest powers

pay all bad accounts off and collections.


Open secured credit card account.


Pay on time


watch credit rebound.


If you cannot handle figuring out how to do any of those steps you will always have bad credit.

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No I have been paying off bad accounts. I really don't have much left accept my repod house.


Secured credit card not a problem i will open one here soon. I did not know if that mattered since it was only 500$ or so account.


I pay my bills on time i have 1 cc now i put things on it and pay it off in 2 month times.


Thanks powers I know you know alot about this also thanks bam.

I've got my bills in order i just have a low becon and things like repod house still on my credit.

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Guest hotrodmama024
Hey Thorne, I will bring you a credit repair booklet. It actually tells you what you should and shouldnt pay of on your credit to effect your score. Some collections or accounts that are old, sometimes its not wise to pay off if you are wanting your score to go up quickly. Long run yes its always good to pay of those accounts. It tells you everything from phone numbers, addresseses, to what adverse accounts will impact your credit score. I am coming down this weekend, i will stop by.
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try and pay your CC off every month, if possible. your just throwing away money on interest by letting it sit an extra month. It doesn't help your credit score at all.
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