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Teenager whacks my wife's car.


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So I get a call from my wife where she works. She proceeds to tell me some teen girl hit her car in the parking lot. The girl is nice enough to walk into the place and ask who's car she hit. Just happened to be my wife's.


I talk to the wife. She says it's a scratch by the rear quarter panel/bumper section. The other persons car was white and I'm "assuming" the paint just rubbed off.


What tickles me, is that the teen girl called her mom and her mom told her not to turn it into the insurance company becuase "they didn't want to deal with it". WTF. They did give my wife the phone number, address, and such so I could call her later to let her know how much I want to fix it.


If it's anything short of just buffing the paint out, I'll be calling the insurance company.


btw, this is the 95 Buick Regal with 181kish mile on it and running strong. There'd a few dents here and there, paint scraped where my wife couldn't figure out how to drive so it's no big deal if there's a little scratch in the car.


I still haven't even seen the damage, and I'm guessing I can just get $50 out of them just for my time involved to buff it out if needbe.


It just kind of pisses me off that the mom would just tell her daughter not to call the insurance company and didn't want them involved. Great way to bring up your siblings.

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I'd still make them pay even if you had 250k on it and you can see the road through the floor boards.


If you let them off easy, the next time that girl does it again, she expect to get off easy again.


At least no one was hurt...

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I'd still make them pay even if you had 250k on it and you can see the road through the floor boards.


If you let them off easy, the next time that girl does it again, she expect to get off easy again.


At least no one was hurt...


True. I'm leaving work here in a few and i'll take a look at it when I get home. I asked my wife if there were any dents there and she said she didn't see any. Sounds just like a scuff mark.


Any idea how much I should try to get out of them? If they say it's too high i could always say "oh.. let me whip out my insurance card and give them a ring." (not that they'd do much).. or I could call the police. Blah.

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I don't see anything wrong with this, maybe thier deductible is 1K and they are pretty sure like you are that it will not cost that. Each time you call and not even get money is considered a cliam to some insurance companies. Then they raise the rate. Don't always assume..... Insurance companies do suck, my car is still at achbach getting everyting else painted that the insurance company didn't want to paint when I hit the deer. I haven't had the car since April.....Trust me Insurance companies suck to deal with.
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Well, I looked at it. It's just paint that rubbed off from her car onto my wifes'. Hell, the girl wiped most of the shit off already. There's one thin line that I was picking off with my finger nail. No dents anywhere (there's tons, just not in that spot lol).
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I don't see anything wrong with this, maybe thier deductible is 1K and they are pretty sure like you are that it will not cost that. Each time you call and not even get money is considered a cliam to some insurance companies. Then they raise the rate. Don't always assume..... Insurance companies do suck, my car is still at achbach getting everyting else painted that the insurance company didn't want to paint when I hit the deer. I haven't had the car since April.....Trust me Insurance companies suck to deal with.

I completely agree. No one was injured, the damage is minimal, why turn it in to insurence? To get them to raise your premiums? I would do exactly what they did.


If you get all the money for repairs, who cares how they get it?

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i dont see a reason why to be pissed? If she gave you all her contact info, Im assuming she will fix the damage. No need to get the insurance company involved for 1k under.


Id say the girl was brought up pretty well to go in and ask who car she hit. Afterall she could of left esp if it looks like a pos anyway.

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i dont see a reason why to be pissed? If she gave you all her contact info, Im assuming she will fix the damage. No need to get the insurance company involved for 1k under.


Id say the girl was brought up pretty well to go in and ask who car she hit. Afterall she could of left esp if it looks like a pos anyway.


Eh, i'm not really pissed. At the time I got the call when I posted this I was.


I just got off the phone with her. No insurance. She's going to give my wife $30 for the time I have to take to buff it out. I did take some body scrub to it and it's mostly out. There are some deep scratches, but nothing that the rest of the car hasnt' seen.


The mom was pretty cool though when I called. She was joking telling me that she told her daughter she must have been going 60 mph through the parking lot :).


But yes. You are right in the fact that she DID come in to work and ask who had a black car. I respect that a LOT. Half of the dip shits out there probably wouldn't have done a damn thing. I just was aggrivated a tad when my wife called to tell me. It's all good now :).


OH, and yep, it's a buick. I paid $1500 for it 3 years ago with 139k on it. It's got 180k now and it's been trouble free except a water pump and some other general maintenance. I plan on driving this thing into the ground. and btw, a Buick is a poor mans Caddy (Mowgli) :D

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I would take it easy on her since she was nice enough to go in and find out who's car she hit. If you treat her like shit, she may not do that next time she hits someones car.....


I agree 100%.


Making her pay more and getting her into more than she has to be will only make her leary of what awaits her next time she bumps a car.


I applaud her for coming in and finding the owner when it was only scratched. 99% of people in this world would just leave.

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I just got off the phone with her. No insurance. She's going to give my wife $30 for the time I have to take to buff it out.


Did you type that right? If she didn't have insurance, I'd report her to the police or what not, why let her off?

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Did you type that right? If she didn't have insurance, I'd report her to the police or what not, why let her off?


Well only in this situation I would say let her go because of Karma. But yea, that is pretty shitty. No insurance..

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fuck her!!!!!!hang her ass. no insurence....fuck that. she cant drive and she doesnt have and insurence...your alot more relaxed about than me.


Did you type that right? If she didn't have insurance, I'd report her to the police or what not, why let her off?


Well only in this situation I would say let her go because of Karma. But yea, that is pretty shitty. No insurance..



You guys are fucking retarded. By "no insurance", I'm 99% sure he means no insurance companies involved. You know, because that's what he keeps posting, "no insurance" relating to the involvement of the insurance companies. Our school systems obviously need to focus more on reading comprehension.




Fucking idiots...

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ya know. Now that I think of it. I never saw the other car, but I'm pretty damn sure she did more damage to HER own parents car rather than my wifes. There was a good 3" wide streak of white paint on my wife's car that rubbed right off. I'd hate to see what came off of her white car.


And yes Ben. The reading comprehension in this thread is teh suck.

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Consider yourself lucky Buck, this is what happened to me between January 29th - March 29th this year. Taken from my blog:


January 29th


I was on 315 north, taking the Rich/Town St exit, when this car cut across two lanes from the left to take the exit. He cut me off, and sped down the exit towards the Rich St intersection. He was in the left lane, and I was behind him in the right. When he approached the intersection, he slowed down a lot, even though the light was green. I proceeded to go straight through the intersection, when suddenly I see his right turn signal come on. I slammed my brakes, and naturally, the car skidded down the wet downhill. All I could do is lay on the horn and hope he would stop. He didn't, and proceeded to make a right turn from the left lane, straight into my driver's side door. The impact was pretty hard, and the glass next to my face shattered completely. My car went to the right I ended up half on the sidewalk, and half on the road on the north side of Rich St. I looked around to check on Chuck, who was sitting in the back seat on the passenger side, and he wasn't there. He ended up sitting behind me. That gives you an idea on how hard we hit, enough to sling the 320+ lbs. Chuck across the car. He said he was ok, and I got out. A man came by, and said, "Oh, you're ok." I thought maybe he was the guy who hit me, I was confused. He later told me was witnessed the whole thing, and that the other driver tried to flee, but he got him to stop in an alley. He went back to the other car, and I walked towards the intersection where we hit, I saw all the glass but didn't see the other car. As I turned around, I saw a black guy with his hair tightly braided to his head walk by; he didn't make any eye contact or anything, just walked by with his hands in his pockets. I thought nothing of it. When I got back to the witness, he said the other driver took off and left his car. I looked at it, it was an Infiniti. It didn't suffer too much damage, mostly the front right fender was sunk in, and the right fog light was hanging by the wire. The witness flagged down a cop, who really seemed like he didn’t want to take the call. He complained for little, saying he was at the end of his shift, but eventually pulled over and walked over to the Infiniti. The doors were unlocked. He had to pry open the passenger side door to open it. I don’t know if he found anything illegal. He also looked at my car, and interviewed each of us. When the witness described the individual who was driving, I realized it was the black guy who walked right by me. After the cop got our information, he said I could go; that the Infiniti would be impounded. I asked for the police report number, but he said to just get it off the internet. So we left, and my dad followed me home. When I would get to 45 mph, the steering wheel would wobble pretty badly, but I made it home. Now it’s just a matter of time of waiting for the police report to come out so I can see if the other car was insured, and then I’ll go from there. I’m just grateful we were not seriously hurt.


February 3rd


I got a call last night from a detective of the "accident investigation unit" of the Columbus Police department. He had a few questions, such as: Did I get a good look at the driver? I said yes, but he asked me if I actually saw him driving, which I did not. I was going off of the word of the witness that that was the guy. He also asked me how badly damaged my car was. I told him it's not quite driveable, due to the fact that my from front left tie-rod is bent, and I have no driver window.

He informed me that the owner of the car was a female, and it appears to have been stolen at this time. He's going to mail out a letter to her, letting her know he has her car. I asked him if he knew if the car was insured, and he said he had no idea.

So it's just a matter of waiting, and hoping this lady responds, and more, importantly, that she's insured. Otherwise, I'm going to have to file with my own insurance, which I don't want to do, of course.

So my poor Accent sits by my house, all broken and alone. I've come to love that car, especially with the gas prices as they are.


March 2nd

Well, the car thing is almost done. In the end, it turns out the owner of the car didn't have insurance. She lied to get the car back, and now isn't returning the detectives call. He said there's nothing more he could do. So I went ahead and filed a claim with my insurance company, and the car is at a body shop as we speak. I can't wait to get it back, I do miss it.


April 3rd


Well, I got my car back about a week ago. The body shop did a pretty good job fixing it.


In the end, everything cost around $300 out of my pocket. I filed an accident report against the lady, and her license was suspended in May. You can see pics of the ownage here.

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