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well, shit

grease monkey

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Apperantly my computer thinks its got some kind of virus, my home page constantly goes to some anti-virus programs website, i'm getting 10 kinds of different popups. I've downloaded ad-aware and ran it several times, as well as running pest patrol several, norton antivirus has not detected anything, albite my subscription ran out probally like 6-8 months ago.... does anyone know of any free anti-virus software I can download and hopefully get rid of the damn thing, or do I just need to wipe the slate clean and start over??? Thanks in advance....



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you have spysheriff. It is a nasty one. I actually got it from the raceclub main page a month or so ago. I bet if you press Ctrl+alt+del it will say "this function has been disabled by your administrator".


Search SpySheriff on google and be prepared to start downloading a lot of programs: KillBox, HijackThis, CleanUp, etc. And hurry up, it is a nasty trojan that can rob serious info.

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