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dent puller thing


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Who's got one of those dent puller suction cup deals? I have a dent in my fender and a few other small ones I'd like to get pulled.


I thought someone had bought one here a while ago or I thought they did.

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i have seen the sution cup ones on ebay.. dont knwo if they work or not.. the bigger slide hammer suction cup ones do work.. but the kit is retarded high on prive like close to $200.


dent wizard wants like $100 to fix the dent in my rear quarter thats the size of a baseball. fucking rediculous.

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I'm not sure how small dents are affected but I used mine on a big ass dent. However the suction things are typically made for the smaller ones. I My huge dent came out after awhile. There's this sticky stuff you have to put on the suction cup that remains stuck to the car after the cup is pulled off. That was the hardest part for me, getting that shit off. I'd say the puller worked rather well though.
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Was it like $20 or so? just trying to get an idea.


I thought they had some stuff that you put on before the sticky crap and then it wipes right off? or is that the "info-mercial version"?

I believe it was 19.99 or something similar. It comes with this alcohol solution to rub off the glue shit. If yuo dont use alot of the glue stuff it comes off super easy. But the more glue you use the more stubborn it is but the easier the dent comes out.

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I have one you can borrow. Its my mothers in law's but she lives like a mile away from us. She bought it last year and removed a huge dent in her rear quarter, it was a shallow one, but about 4-5inches wide and at least 8inches long, now its about the size of a nickel, we were very impressed. She bought it at kmart or walmart for like $20. I'll call her when I get off work to make sure she knows where it is, but like I said, as long as I get it back in a reasonable time, I'd have no problem lending it out.
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Cool. well, if you want if you're not busy some night/weekend. Just come over and I'll try it right then and there and you can have it back :). I doubt it takes long to do it. let me know if/when you have some time.
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