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thinking out loud


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Been running thru my head a little more since the NHRA nats the idea of moving down to C-bus. Thing is I dont want to give up DJ'n to do it. Anyone think they could give me a few possible names of clubs down there, that might be looking for DJ's. I mostly live mix new age dance-hip hop. Been doing it for 5 or so years up here weekly at least 2-3 gigs a week. If I get this other job I have to call about wendsday I will have the extra cash to move and support myself jobless for a lil bit ;-)




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Guest øctane

enter pj's list of worthwhile clubs...not saying that it can help you but here are some places.

Bento go go

Bristol Bar

Ravari Room

Club Seven


anything on Long Street

Redzone if its still open

Farenheight (18+ kinda worthless)

Nuthouse (not sure they know of anything other than top 40 but worth a try)

Er, thats it...sorry, im not cool enough to know any names around here anymore but maybe that does something to help you.

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Guest HyperBurn


NYOH's-as mentioned above is basically country


Ugly Tuna

Billards Club....Fuck this is easier.... GO HERE MANG!...





My family owns ledos. If You are really interested, let me know. I know alot of people in the business and I can get a few strings pulled for ya...

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