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yup.. I'm going to vent....


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Some of you might have heard of "Northwestern High Performance Motorsports College" here in Lima. If you havent its school that teaches what else but... "High Performance Motorsports". Ok here is my rant... I Dj at a local place here in lima and most of the door guys and kitchen guys that work where I dj go to school at northwestren. My problem is 99.9 percent of the guys I know that attend school there could not tell me anything about high performance history. I asked one guy, who was in his second year (of a two year program) if he could tell me who Boyd Coddington was... He had no friggen clue!!! I have yet to meet one of em that has ever seen a drag stirp in person, much less describe a christmas tree. Above or beyond that... I do not believe any one of em I have met could tell me one single driver that runs formula one. I love my NHRA history. It pains me to think that these kids are going to school fo this, and still have no idea what the heck I am talking about when I say, "altered", or "front engine dragster", or even "nitro methane". Like I said I am ranting, but please tell me there is someone else out there who feels my pain.





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good school..i went there in 97 and 98....I heard they have went down hill over the years..A lot of people who go too school there dont even seem too know much about cars period!
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Its a technical school dude. People do not major in history at technical schools. Usually people who aren't too bright go to schools like that. Hell, gearhead went there. That should explain everything.



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Oh snap. I've never been impressed with anything I've ever heard about that school....but supposedly its one of the best in the nation? Not knowing history and current events is one thing. But not knowing what Nitro Methane is, thats fucking retarded.

What do they teach, wing installs and vinyl graphic application?

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Its a technical school dude. People do not major in history at technical schools. Usually people who aren't too bright go to schools like that. Hell, gearhead went there. That should explain everything.






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Why do they have to know the history of cars and performance? As long as they understand fundamentals and how a car works I don't see a point of them needing to know it. I enjoy my assistant managerial job at Lowe's but i could give a shit about the history of management. Now if they don't know anything about what they're learning then that's just plain dumb.
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Why do they have to know the history of cars and performance? As long as they understand fundamentals and how a car works I don't see a point of them needing to know it. I enjoy my assistant managerial job at Lowe's but i could give a shit about the history of management. Now if they don't know anything about what they're learning then that's just plain dumb.

way off base, we're talking apples, not oranges. The basis for the knowlege they seek is in that history. I know many managers that are incapable of doing shit, doesn't matter. If you dont know why people dont put top fuel engines up front anymore, or why Chrysler moved the wheels on the B body, you're going to suck at drag tech.

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Why do they have to know the history of cars and performance? As long as they understand fundamentals and how a car works I don't see a point of them needing to know it. I enjoy my assistant managerial job at Lowe's but i could give a shit about the history of management. Now if they don't know anything about what they're learning then that's just plain dumb.




Respect, for one. If your wanting to go into the feild of high performance motorsports then you should know where you feild came from. I'm not talking about someone who plans on working as a certified tech at a automotive repair place. In that case yea, they dont need to know it.





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I think its bad that you judge a school by talking to only a small mere fraction of how many ppl go there? I graduated from a Technical School for automotive technologies in May and had signed up way back in Dec and plan on attending HP this coming August. Your situation is like saying you talked to a few high schoolers that are taking advanced classes in certain area but since they dont know the history of it, that the school is horrible. Considering they just built a completely brand new building for the High performance division seems to me like the program is doing very well for itself. Seems to me you goto the program to build high performance not learn the history of High Performance. Now im not saying the history should not be cared about but im not going to spend 2x,xxx just to learn some history
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First of all I'm not knocking the school itself. Its a pretty good school actually, and I had myself looked at going there in the past. It just blows me away they dont know anything about the people who invested blood, sweet, tears, money and, in doing so invented their job feild. Or the inovations that came along the way. Also I am not talking about general automotive tech like I said in a previous post. I'm talking about people wanting to go into the motorsports part of the automotive industry. Other then that i'm done I did my vent thank you for taking a moment to listen.




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My roomate just graduated there a few months ago.


He learned a lot, but he did it more for his own knowledge than a career (he already has another degree). But he knew about cars before going in, and did it for the purpose of knowing a LOT more.


You kind of get what you take out of it.

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That school is horrible. Some guys I went to tech school with later went to that school. They said it was the biggest waste of money. My tech school teacher even said it was a big waste of money.
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To add my $.02, I knew a guy who was going there about 3 years ago and I believe he quit because it was overly expensive and did not teach him much that he didn't already know. I have not been impressed with the knowledge of their graduates, and I probably know as much from my own experiences as they do...


Syris, you're right. Why would you want to learn about the trials and tribulations of pioneers in the field of high performance automotive technology if that was going to be your career? At what point does it cease to be a "job" and become a "career" where you have some passion and interest beyond what is taught in the classroom. I think it would be important to explain, at least briefly, in a class how the history of high performance automotive application to understand where we are technologically and where what you are learning fits...but that might just be my overly-educated brain talking.


Speaking specifically to this instance, knowing who Boyd Coddington is significant and I would hope that he is at least referenced in some class there. I would expect a more comprehensive education for $20,000+

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I guess I need someone to explain to me the difference betwwen a job and a career. I see all jobs as the same. I get money so I can buy stuff. I have treated every job the same from warehouse work to I T. I always do my best and get paid, but beyond that I don't give a rats ass about the companies and don't waste my time worrying about it.


I think the problem is alot of people think that they can just get out of high school and then go to a school to learn a skill or whatever that they can use to get into a job. IMO it doesn't really work that way. Most jobs excluding some engineering and medical fields are just jobs. You can do them or you can't and theres no training a school is gonna give that can help you once the boss says do it. I've met alot of kids that say that they wanna learn to work on cars. the trouble is that they think they need to go to school. What they don't understand is all they have to do is get out there and try to keep a POS running so they can get to work every day and they will be an automotive expert.


I"m passionate about motorsports to some degree, but I can't say I know any of the things you referd to. Especially the guys name I have no clue what he did, but I'd never make a hobby into a job no matter what. At the moment I fix office equipment, but thats just because it pays great and its so damned easy that its just wrong.



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so are you saying bribe someone so you can have the job Benz? because last I checked most places that are higher than fast food or factories want college degree's under your belt


Swing and a miss! Wow, you absolutely whiffed on the point of that post. What Eric was trying to get across was:


If you are spending a lot of money for an education of sorts just to get a "job" and nothing more, then you're stupid. You should be spending the time and money on an education for a "career" which entails much more than a simple "job." There are elements like loyalty and professional conduct that go along with a career, but if it's just a "job" then why bother?


There was NOTHING implied about a bribe, so I don't know where you got that. Reading comprehension ownz joo. And don't knock factory workers, I know a few thousand of them that likely make more cash than you and many of them have 4 year college degrees.

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