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looking for a roommate


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I am moving into my house this month and will be very shortly there after looking for a roommate. It is a 3 bedroom (with one more in the basement finished) 2.5 bath and nice sized yard. NO garage for now. It is located in Reynoldsburg between Brice and Rosehill north of main.

I am looking for some one that is just looking for a clean safe place that will not have a problem coming up with rent each month, and does not mind haveing a few people over on the weekends but not a partier every day. Also must be able to accept my mini doberman.


Pm me if interested.

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How much would rent be? Split the utilities? wireless internets?


I'd have to think about it, both my jobs are on the north side in westerville and dublin so it would be a drive every day. you said no garage FOR NOW, do you plan on building one or are you just currently using all the space?

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rent would be some where between 350 and 400total. I will know once I see what the utillities run It would be that every month flat no more or less unless discussed before. No there is no garage now but once I get the morgage set up I am looking at haveing one built. I plan on useing WOW cable internet with basic cable I don't realy watch tv so the cheap stuff is all I need.
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