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i went down, twice!


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me and chris (playerpro) break from the others, we are cookin it, Came around this turn, 75-80mph, knees down, my toe touched right before i hit a small patch of gravel, rear slipped, and hooked half a second later when the gravel was gone, bam. highside, down a hill, i remember flying through the air, and flopping around like a ragdoll for what seemed like a full minute. (ended up landing on my feet punk.gif) i was 30-40 feet from the road, the bike was ten feet further. i ran up and flagged down jon (01929rr)and matt (mrmako). we got the bike started and up onto the road, floats were stuck, but i rode it down the road to make sure everything was straight, and gunned it with the choke on a bit to get the floats workin. Could not believe it, i didnt just walk away from a 80mph highside, i rode away.

The entire time back to the highway, im scanning for gravel, my mind was not in the right place.i should have went retarded slow all the way home through the 30 more miles of twisties, but i went the speed limit. i was stoked to be alive, but spooked a bit. came around a corner, about to enter another. I am not sure what happened, but something spooked me, and i grabbed the brake before the turn. I dont remember touching the rear brake, i never use my rear brake, it barely works anyway. But this time it locked up, and it skid for 100 feet. It took me 100 feet of skidding to slow from 40 to 20, and myself, nor the people around heard tires screeching, it was like sliding on ice. I lowsided and slammed into a mailbox. Got up, pulled the bike up, got the bike started, and went to hooters with chris. What a day.

Two crashes in one day, that is unprecidented. this was a horrible coincidence. the first one was gravel, more like a few pebbles. the second was mostly my fault, because i was focusing on gravel and obstacles instead of a good line through the set of turns. We all feel after seeing the skid mark that it was partially the tires fault, it should have gripped during braking, i might as well been in neutral.

insane day, im so lucky to be alive, no one walks away without a scratch from highsiding at 80 on the street. I had all my gear on, i should have at least broken some bones, but nothing, not even sore.

with that being said, im done riding fast in the twisties, ill save it for the track, no reason to be kneeing down on the street. Im thinking about buying a liter bike or something like it to take trips on, and making my srad a track bike.

funny thing is, i came home and had a one piece gericke suit in the mail, and my brand new arai helmet with a sidepod that chris broke yesterday:p

My bike is fine, scratched all over the place, but i never cared anyway. rear brake lever broke off, and that is it! my bike is a freaking tank!

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I vouch for nothing. I was separated from the group. What he meant to say was "I dropped it in the gas station but I need a better story." JK. Glad to know you're alright. We'll do it again sometime without the speeding. Oh and for the helmet, your welcome I broke the side pod. Better a $30 fix than a perfectly new trashed arai.

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DAMN we've had WAY too many crashes around here recently!!! :eek: Glad you're OK!

Greg had a deer run out in front of him today, in last place, after just turning around for a turn we missed. Had to lay her down to miss it he said. Fortunately, he was still at low speed from the about face, & rode away with a scraped stator cover & fairing :bow:

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ok, so my hip is a bit sore from hitting the mailbox. but thats it

wear your gear! and if you wreck, chill out for a looong time, go straight home, and go super slow. The second one would never have happened if the first one didnt.

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