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Odometer rolling


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Is there anyplace where you can legally do this? Or maybe just some place that can guarantee they won't break it? I'm swaping a twin-cam motor in my car, and you have to use a different cluster. I got this all from a parts car I bought today. I'm just curious if I can get the new cluster to match my current stock cluster mileage.
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I assume that if it has a manual odometer cable, you could remove the cluster and use an attachment and a drill to run the odometer up until you've got matching milage. I don't think I'd try to run it backward because there could be an anti-tamper deal in there. I know that on third gen f-bodies, if the odometer is rolled back, the space in between the digits changes color.
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I believe that it is legal to reset your odometer if you rebuild an engine, however as to exactly how to do it you might want to hit up all of the 8-5/8-6 websites. I am sure someone could help you from Club 4AG.


Edit: Are you doing a straight swap or are you going to do internal stuff first?

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I believe that it is legal to reset your odometer if you rebuild an engine, however as to exactly how to do it you might want to hit up all of the 8-5/8-6 websites. I am sure someone could help you from Club 4AG.


What the hell is an 8-5? If you're refering to an AE85, we never got them in the USA. Yes I've seen people who rolled their odometer, I just wouldn't want to harm this cluster, so I'm seeing if there's anyway for someone else to do it.

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A drill? Hahaha. Right. Do you want to spend next year driving the car or trying to roll your odometer up? On speed 2 (fast) my 18 V dewalt will only move the average cluster 55mph.


Legal to reset when you rebuild an engine? It is legal to reset when I fart facing east.


It is your car, and not illegal to do.


It is however illegal to sell it, and claim that the mileage on the odometer is correct, when you know it isn't. Big, big fine, jail the second time you get caught.


I am in China now, I get back in Columbus the end of the month. When I get back, I would be more than happy to show you how it is done.

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What the hell is an 8-5? If you're refering to an AE85, we never got them in the USA. Yes I've seen people who rolled their odometer, I just wouldn't want to harm this cluster, so I'm seeing if there's anyway for someone else to do it.


You dont need to be so thickheaded. I am refering to the fact that other people in the world DID get the Eight-Five, and in general most forums are international.

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If you really want someone else to do it, I have only heard of dealerships being willing to do it. Sometimes you can just swap out the odometer, but I don't know if that will work on your car and with the new parts. Just make sure if you ever sell your car, that you let them know that is what you did.
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