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Apartments in Lima


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Hey I will be in Lima weds morning for my orientation at UNOH. While I'm there I will be also looking for some places to possibly live in for the next 2 years. My question for you guys is do you know of any places that are a better area to be living in? Specifically such as I dont want my supra or my beater to be getting broke into every night. I'd kinda prefer a place with some sort of garage for at least the supra. Im not looking for anything above 600+month. Id guess and say around 5-10 mins away from the college max unless really good deal ya know?
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My uncle land-lords a duplex about a mile south of there on Cable. Attatched one-car garage. I'll see if he's got an opening....so long as you promise not to mess the joint up. We CR members are some messy greasy mo-fo's. :p In fact, I think he's said something about not wanting to rent to students anymore for that very reason.


Edit: you live in Bryan Ohio? Shit man, I'm sorry. I've been there a few times, I work QA for an ATL branch.

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The Benz guy that sounds awesome. I won't be down there trying to have parties at the place at which I will reside. With a garage for my supra and cable internet for the computer, I wouldnt be trying to start any ruckus that far from home.


But yea I've been living in Bryan for almost 2 years now. All the towns around here are really small so Bryan is kinda one of the better ones in the county. Especially considering we just got a brand new Super Wal-Mart, oh yea.

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